40. Final Goodbye

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Yoongi was in his office, waiting for his ex-wife to show up. After what she pulled in Sumi's school, the alpha wanted to give her piece of his mind. He was more than unhappy when he arrived to pick up terribly upset pup in arms of his mate. Yoongi didn't appreciate it at all.

Upon arrival home, he did talk to the girl and tried to explain to her everything, but it was harder than he thought. He didn't want to make Aera look like a total bitch in the girl's eyes, but the truth hurt. He tried avoiding words like abandoned or didn't care. But Sumi already knew it all.

As Yoongi was aware, his daughter was a smart little bean. She was badly hurt and she begged the alpha to keep her mother away from her. When Sumi saw the woman, it reminded her about how easily Aera left them behind. It made pup's heart ache. That was something Yoongi wanted to protect his daughter from. A broken heart.

Aera arrived at meeting on time. She entered his office shyly and reluctantly occupied the seat. She looked elegant as always. Long, black dress hugging her perfect body so beautifully, while her silky soft hair was tied in a high ponytail.

(Some visals 😌)

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(Some visals 😌)

She had matured just like Yoongi did. Probably, working hard to achieve dream career could do this to person.

Old Yoongi would have admired her beauty, but now the alpha couldn't care less.

"Thank you for coming, Aera. We really need to talk." Yoongi said, keeping his tone neutral. He didn't want to fight with her. He just wanted to get over with it and go back home to his small perfect family.

"Yeah, agree with you." The omega sighed troubled no less than the alpha.

"I don't appreciate you paying visit to Sumi yesterday. You tried to get in touch with her behind my back. That was low blow."

"I was just desperate to have a proper look at her, to talk to her. Anything. I know I was wrong, but I badly wanted to see her."

"I understand, but even in that case you shouldn't have gone directly to her."

"I had no idea she knew who I was. I swear, I wasn't going to tell her like that."

Yoongi nodded. He believed Aera, her soured strawberry scent gave her away.

"Sumi doesn't want to be in touch with you." The alpha told her directly. He didn't want to lie to woman and give her false hopes. That'd be too cruel.

"Let me improve it. I understand that she's hurt by the fact that I left her. But I'm sure, there is a way to make up for my mistakes." Aera sounded so desperate, Yoongi nearly felt bad for her.

But then when he remembered how coldly omega left him and their new born pup, his empathy vanished in thin air.

"There are some mistakes which cannot be forgiven and forgotten. Moreover, what you did wasn't a mistake, it was a decision which you made. If I ask you right now, do you regret it, I know the answer will be no."

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