7. The Consequences

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Hoseok's breath hitched at Sumi's innocent request. She was such a pure little pup and there was nothing the omega wanted to do more than to envelop her in his scent, but he knew that it was wrong.

He wasn't Sumi's parent, he had no right to leave his scent on the girl. Her father wouldn't appreciate that. So despite his omega's plea to fulfil the girl's small request, Hoseok shook his head.

"I can't, baby..." He said gently, his heart clenching painfully at each word. The disappointed and pained look on the girl's face made him feel only worse. She pulled away with a pout and started packing her bag. "Look Sumi, I don't have a right to scent you. Your dad's wolf won't appreciate scent of someone else on their pup...."

The girl wasn't listening. Tears blurred her vision as she threw her things carelessly in her pink school bag. She felt so humiliated and.... lonely. Why did she think Hoseok would scent her in the first place?

"Sumi, your dad hasn't arrived yet, I can't let you go on your own." The omega said worried as Sumi put on her denim jacket.

"T-then I'll just wait for him and-"

"Mimi?" The alpha appeared out of thin air. He ran in the classroom disheveled and breathless. His wolf had felt their pup's distress as soon as he stepped inside the building and flew all the way to the third floor. He calmed down when saw that she was fine, but a second later, the male noticed her tear-struck face and he fell on knees in front of her, wiping her soft rosy cheeks. "What happened baby?"

"D-daddy..." She wrapped arms around his neck and softly sobbed.

"I'm so sorry, Sumi." Yoongi only now noticed that omega was on the verge of tears as well. The atmosphere in the room was nothing similar to warm vanilla mixture with freshly baked cookies Yoongi got used to.

"What happened, teacher Jung?" He asked with panic filling him up as his two most important people were in such condition. His inner wolf commanded him to comfort not just his daughter, but omega too, who obviously needed it.

"I couldn't do it without your consent, Yoongi." Hoseok said defensively, looking at alpha with eyes pleading to understand him. "She asked me to scent her and I didn't know how you'd react if I did it."

Yoongi breathed out relieved that it wasn't something worse. So, Sumi asked Hoseok to scent him? Oh, baby.

He straightened up, looking at Hoseok apologetically. "I am really sorry for this, teacher. She shouldn't have asked you such thing in the first place. Sumi probably made you really uncomfortable with such request. I'll explain to her what she did wrong."

No! She didn't do anything wrong. The pup just wanted our scent on her! She didn't make us uncomfortable at all! Hoseok's omega was shouting on top of his lungs as he watched Sumi's lower lip wobble at her dad's words. Her scent dulled even more if that was possible and the guilt washed through her. The girl just yanked her hand from Yoongi's grip and ran away. Hoseok was going to chase her when the alpha stopped him.

"I'll deal with her. I owe her some explanation. But I'm really sorry for what she pulled up-"

"That didn't make me uncomfortable at all." I wanted to do it. "I just hate seeing her so upset because of me." It literally tears my heart to pieces.

"Yet, she is old enough to know that she can't ask things like this."

"She's just a child." Hoseok didn't notice how he clutched the male's jacket as he tried to defend Sumi. "Please, be considerate with her." The omega pleaded. He couldn't help his instincts that chanted one and the same: protect and comfort the pup....

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