43. An Addition

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Yoongi's rut passed surprisingly fast. The couple barely left bedroom even for primal necessities like food. Well, at least Yoongi claimed that he didn't need anything except of Hoseok. Whenever omega mentioned eating, Yoongi would get in between his legs and eat him out.

Thankfully, Hoseok did manage to slip away when alpha fell asleep and his knot would let go. Unfortunately, such moments were rare because majority of the time, Yoongi's cock would harden in few moments, demanding relief all over again.

In short, it was an intense week. By the end of Yoongi's rut, Hoseok was so exhausted he barely had the power to move muscle. When an endless marathon of sex finally finished, Hoseok slept straight for 24 hours. No less no more.

As soon as Yoongi was in full control of himself once again, the male instantly started taking care of his tired mate. Hoseok held until the end. He was such strong omega, served his alpha in a rut till the end. Yoongi couldn't even imagine how sore he must have been. After all, moments when Yoongi wasn't inside his omega were too rare.

Yoongi kissed his forehead and first changed the dampened with sweat and cum sheets. God, they were in such terrible condition it was easier to burn them than try to wash. Yoongi then gently cleaned Hoseok with a wet towel, before putting on him comfortable soft pajamas so that he could sleep peacefully.

After that alpha prepared them food to feed omega once he'd wake up. He did feel guilt for Hoseok's state though. His milky skin was covered with bite marks and fingerprints. Yoongi wanted to scold his alpha for not being gentler with their mate. But unfortunately, none of them could control this.

Hoseok seriously needed four business days to come back to his normal self and be able to move around on his own. He did whine for a day, but then he got used to it because what other choice did he have?

Around a month later, after his mate's rut, Hoseok woke to a headache and weird stomach discomfort. He rubbed his swollen eyes and slowly got up. It was late morning and Yoongi was already up. He could smell freshly baked pastry with fruits and honey in the air. Omega inhaled the divine smell of food, but much to his surprise he instantly felt nauseous and quickly ran towards the bathroom to empty the remains of dinner from his stomach.

"Dada woke up!" Sumi exclaimed when Hoseok finally made his way out of the bedroom. He weakly smiled at the pup, patting her head.

"Morning, Mimi." He took a seat next to her and eyed the food at the table.

"How did you sleep, baby?" Yoongi asked him, leaning to peck omega's lips but Hoseok shied away.

"Fine, but I don't really feel good now. I'm not even in the mood for breakfast. I'm not that hungry." Hoseok pouted, pushing away the plate his mate placed in front of him.

"Why? What's bothering you, love?" Yoongi's voice instantly thickened with worry.

"I think I ate something expired yesterday at school. I didn't really enjoy the lunch. The food had a weird taste. I just threw up few minutes ago."

Alpha perked up. Could that be.... no, what if Hoseok really ate something bad the previous day? But his scent... It also had changed and became softer and sweeter.

"Let's visit a doctor and see if it's something serious."

"No need, Yoongi. I'm sure tomorrow I'll be just great."

"And what if you won't? It'll be Sunday and we won't be able to see the doctor at all. So let's get going now. End of discussion. Try to eat at least something."

Hoseok sighed, knowing well that it was pointless arguing with this alpha.

"I'm sorry Mimi, we promised to take you to the zoo today." Omega apologized to the girl as he nibbled on the apple.

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