14. Finding Faith

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Jimin's home was like a heaven for Hoseok. Whenever he came over, his omega couldn't help but bask in a wonderful mixed scent of mates and their pups that lingered in their house. It felt surreal to be at place that literally screamed 'happiness'. It was wonderful to have a peek at someone's flourishing household.

He didn't tell Jimin everything immediately after arrival. The boys were still up and Hoseok didn't want to have a breakdown in front of kids. Instead, he spent some time playing with Jimin's pups.

Their oldest son, Minsu, was going to elementary school next year, but he was already ahead of his age. He knew multiplication table by heart and every time he saw Hoseok, the boy bugged him to check his knowledge. How could omega say no to him?

Minsu was mini version of his father, while his younger brother, Jae, looked like Jimin.

Just like Taehyung, Minsu had almond shaped deep brown eyes that shone so brightly every time he got one of Hoseok's questions right. His lips formed boxy smile and the boy couldn't hold back squeal of excitement when he felt happy.

Jae was still a baby and his family's treasure. Hoseok had witnessed his parents fuss over the boy with so much tenderness, he sometimes felt fourth-wheeling. Jae had turned eight months a week ago and his parents didn't miss a single milestone. It was freaking adorable.

Jimin had a thick album already full of Jae's pictures and the baby hadn't even reached his first birthday. Hoseok had to go through it and two more Minsu's personal albums every time he visited his friend. Jimin never got tired of showing his best friend all important moments of his children lives that he captured on camera. He loved re-living those precious moments over and over again.

But that day Jimin sensed that something was wrong with his friend, so instead of gushing about his pups, he kept throwing questioning looks at Hoseok, who just mouthed him "later". First he wanted to have some time with the boys who he missed so dearly. He hadn't seen them for a while and both pups seemed completely different to him.

Jae was certainly much bigger and less sleepy than last time he saw the boy. He stared at Hoseok curiously with his wide hazel eyes, studying the stranger in his house. He was one of the most adorable pups ever with his chubby cheeks, pouty lips and doe curious eyes. He had inherited all characteristics that made Jimin irresistibly cute.

"Min, he's like a little teddy bear. If I had that sweet angel in my home I'd never put him down. Look, how perfectly he fits in my arms." Hoseok whispered to his friend who just laid Minsu to bed and returned to living room a second ago. Jimin cooed when he saw Jae fast asleep in omega's arms and snapped a picture of two.

"You are so adorable." He said giddily and led his friend to Jae's infant bed that was in his and Taehyung's bedroom. Thick scent of lime and cotton candy enveloped Hoseok when he entered their room. Couple's king sized bed was a bit messy and it took omega a second to guess what was the reason.

Taehyung was on a three day business trip and he was returning only by the evening of next day. It was hard for mates to stay away from each other even for few days, so Jimin had made a nest out of his husband's clothes, so he could sleep surrounded by scent of his other half. Hoseok found it too adorable for his weak heart.

He knew how intimate was nest for an omega so he didn't comment on it. Instead, the male gently put Jae in his crib and left a soft peck on top of his head.

"I'll wait for you outside." He told Jimin with a small smile, well aware that omega needed some time alone with his pup. Few moments later his friend joined him with a serious expression and Hoseok knew he couldn't delay telling him truth anymore.

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