35. Distressed

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As soon as Yoongi let Namjoon know why he had to leave, his friend instantly told him that he was gonna drive him. He knew that at this state, Yoongi would better not sit on the driver's seat. Jin who also disagreed to be left behind, went with them.

Yoongi literally ran out of car when they parked in front of the hospital. He demanded the receptionist to tell him where was Min Sumi. After he received directions, the alpha hurried to his daughter, his heart ready to jump out of his chest from the worry. Was his baby girl okay?  Was she hurting? He wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her.

When Yoongi reached necessary floor, he saw Hoseok sitting on the chair in corridor with Jimin by his side. Smaller omega had arms wrapped around Hoseok, but the latter had his head buried in his palms and his shoulders shook as he cried.

"Hobi, baby..." Yoongi ran up to him, crouching in front of omega. Hoseok yelped when saw him and threw himself on alpha, bawling in his embrace. Yoongi caressed his head gently, his alpha instantly releasing calming pheromones, coaxing their stressed omega.

"I'm s-sorry..." Hoseok whimpered against him. "I couldn't p-protect her. I'm terrible d-dada."

"No, love. You aren't. What happened? Where is our little girl?" He then looked at Jimin, who had pained expression plastered on his delicate face. "Is Sumi okay?"

"The doctor hasn't told us anything yet."

"It's all my fault." Hoseok shook in alpha's arms, terrified from the possibility that their pup might not make it. No one told him anything when they arrived. Just convinced him to let go of Sumi and let doctors do their job. He hated being away from her. He needed her back safe in his arms. Otherwise, his heart was tearing to pieces.

"What happened, omega? Why are you blaming yourself?"

"Maybe first we should wait for doctor to tell us that Sumi is okay and then we will tell you what happened-" Jimin tried to intervene, knowing what effect truth would have on Yoongi.

"Are you trying to hide from me what happened to my pup?" Yoongi felt anger building up in his chest. How did they dare to keep it secret from him?

"Of course not, Jimin just suggested first to focus on Sumi's well-being." Taehyung instantly butted in when sensed change in Yoongi's pheromones. He didn't blame him. He was father himself and knew how Yoongi must have felt.

"It was D-Daehyun." Hoseok stuttered out, his heart painfully squeezing at the mention of that bastard. If something happened to Sumi, Hoseok knew that he'd die. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he lost her too.

"What do you mean?" Yoongi asked him with his alpha voice as his wolf had already fully surfaced.

"I'm sorry, Yoongi... I had to protect her, but I couldn't... I'm a terrible dada... the worst..."

Yoongi lifted his mate, placing him on the chair and taking seat next to him. His wolf was in rage. He had no doubt if he saw Daehyun right now, he'd kill him. He'd fucking tear his throat for hurting his pup and mate.

"Did he attack her? That sick bastard attacked our daughter?"

"He kicked her and... and she hit her head." Hoseok clutched to the alpha for dear life. His omega was in the worst condition ever, hurting even worse than male himself. He was going through the same hell all over again.

When he got a call about Eunji, his heart nearly stopped beating. When they showed him his baby girl's cold body, he had such terrible breakdown, omega nearly lost his mind.

He wouldn't survive that hell one more time. He'd rather die.

"Oh my God, how is she?" Jin and Namjoon finally made it to them, Seokjin leaning on his mate as he wobbled with his round stomach.

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