34. History Repeats

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Jimin and Taehyung helped Hoseok to move his things at Yoongi's place the same day. The smaller omega was upset that he wouldn't be living with his best friend anymore, but he was happy for Hoseok.

Jimin squealed like teenager when Sumi, Yoongi and Hoseok showed up at his place both with fresh mating marks and wide, blinding smiles. He still remembered how the honeymoon phase felt so omega wasn't that surprised of the way those two were all over each other. The cutest sight ever!

Yoongi was so gentle, didn't allow Hoseok to lift anything heavy and had eyes glued on his mate all the time.

Jimin couldn't wait to hear in all details how their mating went and on scale from one to ten, how good Yoongi was. But he didn't manage to catch Hoseok alone, since his love-struck alpha was always nearby him. So Jimin decided to leave it for future.

He and Hoseok both shed tears when Jimin walked his friend to Yoongi's car. He still couldn't believe his Hobi was leaving.

"Thank you for everything you did for me, Minnie. I'm the luckiest that I have a friend like you." Hoseok told him as they hugged.

"I'll miss you like hell Hoseokie. We had so much fun here. No, I won't let you go, you'll stay here!" The male said with a pout, earning chuckle from his friend.

"I love you, Jiminie." Hoseok kissed his cheek and let him go to hug Taehyung as well. "Thank you for giving me shelter when I needed it. I'll never forget your kindness guys."

"Don't mention it, Hobi. Anything for friends." Taehyung returned hug with a smile.

"Let's go Hobi." Sumi called him, after she bid goodbye to her new friend Minsu. The boy was also upset that his uncle Hobi was leaving, but Sumi explained to him that omega was now her dada and he would leave with them.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school, guys." Hoseok waved at his friends and got in the car after seating Sumi on backseat. He didn't forget to smother little Jae and Minsu with kisses before leaving. Yoongi also genuinely thanked couple for taking care of his omega for time being. Jimin assured it was nothing and asked them to come over any time.

Since that day, Hoseok officially became part of Mins family. Three of them couldn't get enough of each other's presence. Their daily routines changed as well. Hoseok decided to leave after-school care so he would be able to take Sumi home once the lessons finished. He now worked only until 2 pm and then he and Sumi went home like all of girl's classmates.

Thankfully, another teacher agreed to take over after-school care and Hoseok had no troubles resigning. Even though his salary was cut off because of less working hours, he didn't care. No money would replace him time he spent with his daughter.

He of course discussed it with Yoongi beforehand, explaining that he'd like to work less to take better care of Sumi. Omega wanted to give her everything little girl lacked. Yoongi agreed in a heartbeat, telling him not to worry about money and do whatever he wanted and thought was right.

Yoongi pampered them both, giving them anything they asked for. He opened family deposit, placing there all his savings and giving access to his mate so he'd never have feeling like he needed to work more to have money.

First week Sumi basically lived in her parents bedroom. Every night she snuggled between them and drifted to sleep enveloped in their scents. None of adults even thought of asking her to go back to her bed. Omega would hug her tight against his body, nuzzling her neck. He fell asleep contended with his pup in arms and his mate by their side.

Yoongi loved his daughter endlessly, but he also did miss his omega. They hadn't had sex since Sumi returned and alpha was barely holding himself back. He wanted to bury himself in his beautiful omega's tight, delicious body once again. After experiencing how heavenly Hoseok felt, Yoongi couldn't just not think about it.

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