25. Cuddles

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Time flies fast when you are living a happy life. And for last month Jung Hoseok lived his best one.

The alpha of his dreams was courting him and he started spending more time with Mins after school. Sumi couldn't be happier about it. Their bond grew deeper and now Hoseok's omega considered the pup his own. The duo couldn't be kept away from each other.

Yoongi sometimes pouted because his daughter was receiving more attention from omega while he was there all alone. Sumi loved her dad, but she wasn't ready to give up even a bit of omega's attention. Her pup was as contented in Hoseok's presence as never before. She wanted to be close to him all the time. Whenever Hoseok made step Sumi was right there by his side, she was like his shadow, shyly and quietly following omega around. Thankfully, he got used to it very soon and it didn't even bother him.

Hoseok sometimes went to their apartment after school. Other times three of them would go for a walk or have dinner. It usually depended on Sumi's preferences, whatever little girl wanted, she got it. Neither Hoseok nor Yoongi could deny her anything.

But Sumi loved the most when Hoseok was at their home. It was the best thing ever. Omega's scent was all over their apartment and even when Hoseok left, girl could feel his lingering vanilla scent all around. It made her wolf feel comfortable and safe. Their home became much more cozy now.

Yoongi was no better than his daughter. His alpha couldn't get enough of omega's presence. When Hoseok was around, he felt complete. It was odd feeling, alpha always thought his pup was more than enough for his happiness but it seemed like all this time a little piece was missing.

As long as Yoongi remembered he had always been timid around omegas. He just looked so disinterested, his parents were afraid he'd never take liking in one. But then this pretty girl from his school, Aera, showed up in his life and made him fall for her. Or at least Yoongi believed that it was love, until he met Hoseok. The way this omega made him feel was completely different from what he had experienced before.

Hoseok really made him happy by his mere existence. One thought about omega already brought smile to him. He couldn't wait to see him after his long day on work and he had undeniable urge to scent him thoroughly and leave his smell on the omega. He wanted everyone to know that this perfect creature was his.

It took Yoongi years to realize that his feelings to Aera were one sided. She didn't love him, at least not sincerely. The only reason she paid attention to him in the first place was because he was the only alpha in their school who wasn't running after her. It seemed like that had hurt her ego. Too bad Yoongi was blind to see it earlier.

The only thing he didn't regret from that relationship, was Sumi. His little flower. She was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

Now that Hoseok had also entered their life, he finally felt that everything would be great. It had to be. His alpha was already head over heels for this omega. Whenever he saw Sumi and Hoseok's interactions his heart would simply melt on spot. They were so cute together, their bond developed right on his eyes.

Hoseok turned from Sumi's teacher to her friend, someone who she started trusting and soon turned into her comfort person. It was a wonderful journey, full of ups and down, but Yoongi never thought they'd end up where all three of them were now.

Sumi was sitting on Hoseok's lap, her whole attention on the drawing book as she and Hoseok were coloring a picture of a princess and a pony. Yoongi shook his head, his daughter was obsessed with pink, princesses and their fairytales. It was cute thought. Everything his little girl did was endearing to alpha.

"What color should I use for her hair?" Hoseok asked Sumi, who slightly frowned thinking hard about it.

"Black!" She decided after weighting something in her small head, earning a soft peck on the top of her head from omega.

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