45. Happy Ever After

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Hoseok had been wobbling around the house since morning. On the sixth month of pregnancy, he was already home, unable to go to work as usual. It was a bit boring, to be honest, but he was moving much slower with his large belly and besides, omega had troubles standing for too long. He needed constant rest and take care of himself, that's why he had to take so-called baby leave from work. All omegas had the right to be absent from their jobs from six months to a year when they carried a pup. Hoseok didn't want to leave till the end, but his condition didn't really allow him to continue working.

Omega had nothing to complain about though. His baby boy was growing healthy inside him. He and Yoongi often went to the doctor to check up on the little one. So far everything was going perfectly. Hoseok couldn't wait when the baby would be born and he could hold him in his arms. Omega was looking forward to it the most.

Meantime, Hoseok buried himself in watching some recent k-dramas while he was home all alone. Seokjin with his newborn baby girl often visited him to keep omega company. He also was bored at home all alone while his mate was at work and Jungkook at school. Omegas would talk about this and that, coo over the pup and then Seokjin would leave home rather quickly for Hoseok's liking.

He tried to busy himself with making dishes and cleaning the house later, but omega easily got tired and once even burnt the food because accidentally forgot about it while he went to rest on the couch.

When he admitted to Yoongi how easily distracted he got, the alpha instantly demanded him to quit doing any tiring activities while he was gone. Even though it made Hoseok feel pretty much useless that he couldn't even prepare breakfast or dinner for his family, he reluctantly agreed because of two reasons.

First, Yoongi left him no choice and second, he really didn't want to embarrass himself even more than he already did. The scent of burnt food was in their apartment nearly for a day before it completely vanished.

Hoseok's omega did enjoy the way their mate pampered them though, even if the male himself was a bit shy. Yoongi drove Sumi back right after school during his lunch break and always brought them something yummy to eat.

Sumi usually kissed her dada's round belly first thing after coming home. She loved rubbing it and feeling her baby brother kicking. She was equally excited about the addition to their family. While her father was at work, Sumi took it up on herself to take care of her dada.

She would sometimes sit next to him on the couch and wrap her arms around omega, spreading her sweet pheromones around them like her dad usually did. Hoseok's wolf found comfort in his mate and pup's scents now more than usual.

Hoseok also nested more during his pregnancy. He always had a nest on his and Yoongi's bed which was made out of their and Sumi's clothes which carried their scents. Hoseok was snuggled inside the nest when he was alone and he watched dramas from there. His mate bought a small TV for their bedroom to make it more comfortable for omega. Hoseok just left the nest if he craved food or wanted to use the bathroom.

Sumi and Yoongi always were welcomed guests in his nest. In fact, Sumi barely left it when she was home. She was snugged in there with Hoseok until her dad came home and ushered her to go and do homework. Sumi did obey, but only after whining and pouting.

The girl also took it upon herself to massage her dada's feet while it was just two of them home. She often saw her dad doing it to omega when they were in a living room and Hoseok groaned with satisfaction. His legs were easily getting swollen if he walked too much and the omega enjoyed the gentle massage. He of course asked Sumi every time not to trouble herself, but she didn't pay mind to him, just doing it the same way her dad did.

Omega's protests soon got replaced with appreciative hums and groans.

"Thank you, Mimi. I'm so lucky with such a caring pup." Hoseok would hug her afterward and smother her cute face with kisses.

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