5. Our Neighbor

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One thing that Min Yoongi hated the most and just couldn't stand was arrogant alphas who considered themselves superior. Unfortunately, there were plenty of those. Alphas historically had always been stronger than other subgenders and they often took advantage of that.

Thankfully, as centuries passed, rights of betas and omegas were acknowledged and they, more or less, were treated equally in society. However, not everyone learnt to respect other subgenders. To this day, alphas often abused omegas in one way or another. And what was even worse, they didn't find anything wrong about it.

Yoongi hated those bastards the most and did everything possible to make each one of them spend following years behind the bars. He just couldn't understand why would alphas have urge to abuse their mates, which they were supposed to love and cherish. It didn't make any sense to him.

Yoongi himself had never been mated, but he always knew that if he ever found someone who would make him fall head over heels for them, he'd give all the love in this world to his mate.

The alpha didn't manage to sleep that night. His thoughts kept going back to Hoseok's asshole alpha whole night. He couldn't forget how that bastard made his mate first carry all those heavy bags, and then had audacity to yell at him! He was too close from barging into his house and beating shit out of the male for treating his omega like that.

It was wrong. Omegas were fragile creatures, made to be loved and treasured. Not to be abused by some stupid assholes.

The next morning Yoongi might or might not have waited for the teacher to leave his apartment, to run into him 'accidentally'. He and Sumi stood next to the door all dressed up and ready to leave any moment. The girl didn't really understand what they were waiting for but she didn't complain, just throwing questioning glances at her dad who was scanning the area through the peephole. He looked so funny while doing that. She giggled at him.

"Okay, let's go baby." He unexpectedly said, yanking the girl out of apartment.

As the duo went outside, they saw Hoseok locking the door. The alpha didn't need to do that, he had automatic lock. So as the omega turned around, Sumi let out squeal of happiness and ran towards him.

"Teacher Hobi!" She tightly hugged him, pressing her head to male's abdomen. Hoseok was so engrossed in his thoughts, he didn't notice father-daughter duo behind him at first. To be honest, omega hoped to avoid Yoongi for as long as possible. He was so ashamed of his mate's actions. He left terrible first impression and what was even worse, he humiliated omega in front of his student's parent.

Hoseok couldn't stand when his husband acted like this on public, while Daehyun enjoyed showing his dominance over omega when they were outdoors. The alpha wanted everyone to see that Hoseok was nothing, just omega born to serve him.

So the teacher felt terrible when Daehyung degraded him in front of the person who respected him and had earnt his respect in return.

"Good morning, Hoseok-ssi." The alpha told him with a sincere smile, his eyes attentively scanning his face. The omega had no idea he was making sure there were no bruises or cuts on his porcelain skin.

"Good morning, Yoongi-ssi." He slightly bowed to male, caressing Sumi's head who wasn't planning to let him go for a while. The pup basked in his pleasant vanilla scent that bloomed once the omega saw two of them. Hoseok couldn't help the way his pheromones changed when Sumi was around. His omega wanted to please pup and make her as comfortable around him as possible.

"How did you know where I live?" She asked with pure amazement in her voice and looked up at her teacher with shining eyes. She looked so happy, Hoseok's heart melted at the sight.

"Teacher Hobi lives next to us, Mimi. He's our neighbor." Yoongi told his daughter good news, who just squealed one more time, hugging the male even tighter.

"So, we'll be seeing each other after school too, right? This is so cool! Can I come to you if I can't solve a math problem? Can I?" She asked with so much hope in her voice, Hoseok nearly agreed, but then remembered tyrant in his house and decided that Sumi should have been kept as far as possible from that place. He glanced at Yoongi, asking him for help.

The male nodded, peeling his daughter off omega. "Baby, you can ask me if you need help with homework."

"But you can't explain math as good as teacher Hobi!" The girl said stubbornly, standing next to the omega and taking his hand.

"How can you have some question from homework, when we do it together after classes, hm?" Hoseok asked Sumi as they slowly made way towards elevator. Thankfully, it was working that day.

Okay, fine! Sumi didn't want Hoseok's help with math problems. She just wanted to be closer to him even after school. How was she supposed to stay home when she knew that her favorite teacher lived right next to her?

"Sumi, Teacher Hobi has personal life too. He can't be entertaining you whole day. He has other responsibilities as well." Yoongi subtly tried to explain this to girl. Sumi sighed a bit upset, but she understood.

She was a very understanding kid for her age. Sumi understood that her dad had to work so she had to stay at school after classes. She understood that unlike other kids she didn't have mommy who would be spoiling her with attention and love. She understood it all...

So the girl nodded, interlacing her free hand with alpha's and standing in between two adults as they waited for the elevator. Her wolf felt so giddy, holding both of them. It felt oddly right. Her wolf jumped with joy and the girl wanted this moment to never end.

"We'll drive you, Hoseok." Her father suggested to omega once they reached first floor and Sumi nodded. She badly wanted omega's scent to linger in their car for a day or two.

"Thank you, but that isn't necessary. I would prefer going there by bus."


"I mean it, Yoongi." Hoseok said with a gentle smile. "Thank you for suggesting though.  Maybe next time. I'll see you in school , Sumi." The omega waved at them before heading towards bus station.

Yoongi watched him leave and he could feel his mood dropping. He had no idea why though.

"Why did he say no? I wanted him to drive with us so much!" Sumi pouted as her dad buckled up her seat belt. The male kissed her forehead before closing the door and taking driver's seat.

"He didn't say no, sweetheart. He said 'maybe next time'. So, we'll have to try again and again until he says yes."

Sumi smiled at her dad's words, enthusiastically nodding in agreement. "Fine, dad. Let's try again tomorrow!"

Yoongi was definitely not planning to leave things the way they currently were. Others might have ignored it on his place, but he couldn't forget what he witnessed previous day. The omega needed help and Yoongi was going to be there to help him when the male would need it the most.


A/N: Just a reminder that it isn't necessarily to be mated to have a pup. Yoongi had never been mated to Sumi's mom.

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