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5 years later

Hoseok and Yoongi were invited to Taehyung's and Jimin's beachside villa. It was summer, a period of fun, swimming, getting tan, and spending it with people that you love. Seokjin and Namjoon were also there. Their families became very close over the past five years.

Hoseok and Jin raised their babies together who had a very small age gap. Jimin later pouted that he also wanted to give birth to a pup at the same time others did so their babies all would be best friends.

It seemed like his dream was about to become true because now he and Hoseok both expected pups. It was Hoseok's first pregnancy after their baby boy Jungho was born. Their angel was now five and his dada finally expected another addition to their indeed growing family.

Jungho was his parents and noona's baby. He was treated accordingly. They all adored and raised him with all the love a child can get. Sumi was very protective of her little brother, always held his hand if they were outside, and kept an eye on the boy even if her parents got distracted with something.

Yoongi's heart burst with joy at the sight of his cute family. He adored them all, his alpha ready to kill for them. His treasure and biggest achievement. Every day he thanked Moon Goddess for sending him Hoseok as his mate. He was blessed alpha.

He and Hoseok waited until Jungho would grow up a bit before thinking about another pup. Now that boy was going to school soon, it was a perfect time. Hoseok was already three months pregnant with his beautiful, round belly showing under any shirt that he wore. Yoongi's wolf purred in his head proud every time his eyes landed on his mate.

They did a great job, filled their omega with their pup. Hoseok looked so perfect all heavy with his mate's child. Yoongi just wanted to bend his husband and fuck him into oblivion nearly all the time. But he somehow held till the night. Then, he'd lock their door and worship his mate's perfect body just like he deserved it.

"Hey buddy, what are you thinking about?" It was Namjoon. The male brought two cans of beer, suggesting one to his friend, but Yoongi refused. Hoseok loved possessively remarking him during daze of sex and Yoongi tried not to consume alcohol because omega couldn't take it, especially during pregnancy.

"Just some stuff, nothing important. Still wonder how my boss gave me a three-week vacation. It's such a luxury."

"Yeah, maybe your boss isn't such a bad guy." Namjoon shrugged, bringing the can to his lips and drinking a cold beverage. Under the burning sun, it was just perfect. They all were on a private beach Kims owned, right in front of the villa. It was around 12 pm and kids were nearby the water, but not allowed to go in without adults around.

Yoongi saw Sumi sitting under the beach umbrella in a shadow with Minsu right by her side as usual. Jae, Jungho and Namjoon's daughter Haneul, also were with them, playing with sand and making some figures out of it.

"Joonie, did you see Jungkook?" Seokjin appeared out of nowhere, disturbing the peace with his alarmingly loud voice.

"He was talking on the phone when I saw him earlier. He still hasn't finished?" Namjoon looked around, easily spotting his son who indeed, still was on his phone. He was smiling as he talked with an unknown person.

"Oh my God, that must be that omega whose scent he has on all the time!" Seokjin exclaimed staring at his son without as much blinking an eye.

"Jungkook is dating someone?" Yoongi asked curiously, hearing about it for the first time.

"Well, I suppose he does. Not that he's telling his parents though!" Seokjin said angrily, stomping his leg in tiny. Namjoon went to backhug his mate.

"So it isn't confirmed information?"

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