22. Awaited Freedom

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The day of trial came faster than Hoseok anticipated. On one hand he couldn't wait to finally leave Daehyun in the past, but on the other, uncertainties of future scared him.

Yoongi did promise to not let terrible burn marks scar his skin, but what exactly did it mean? Did he really give Hoseok word to mate him? The omega kept blushing at the thought. Why would Yoongi do it? He was kind to him and everything, but promise to mate someone you aren't even courting is too rapid...

"You aren't even courting him?" Jin smacked Yoongi like he was his son, earning a glare from the alpha. As if Seokjin cared. "What the hell have you been doing then all this time?"

It was Thursday evening and Kims were at Yoongi's place. Seokjin of course bombarded the male with questions about Hoseok as soon as he stepped inside and after half an hour of prying answers from him, he finally found something to scold him for.

"Jin love, they're having lunch together every day and Yoongi basically helps him with divorce for free. If that isn't courting, then what is?" Namjoon stepped in, calming down his overemotional mate.

"You call that courting? It is all great, but if you want to show omega that you're interested in him you should definitely be more active! Give him gifts, flowers, chocolates, jewelries, anything! Go to have a dinner with him in restaurant and then scent him so he'll be dripped in your scent. Omegas love that!"

"I think you're forgetting that this omega is mated and on top of that married. I have to be more subtle with my moves not to do something that will make him uncomfortable."

"Wait a second..." Sumi crossed her arms, approaching Seokjin with a frown. "Why is dad allowed to scent Hobi and not me? When I asked him to scent me, daddy said it was wrong."

"It's a bit different situation here lovely." Jin patted her head, picking her up to make the girl sit on his lap. But as soon as he slightly lifted Sumi, Namjoon was by his side, doing it for him.

"No lifting anything heavy, baby." He reminded him.

"Hey! How is it different? If daddy scents Hobi, then Hobi should scent Sumi! I don't want to be left out." The girl whined, turning around and burying nose in Jin's neck. He uncle's scent was sweetening due to pregnancy and Sumi loved it.

"Don't worry, if your dad plays cards right, your dearest Hobi will be scenting you ever single day." Seokjin averted gaze at Yoongi once again. "How could you seriously just tell him 'Oh, hey let's skip everything and just get mated'? Seriously Yoongi, you're so unexperienced in this...." Omega shook his head.

"As if you have ton of experience. Didn't you mate Namjoon at 20?"

"No, he gave birth to me at 20." Jungkook corrected him and received a pillow in the face from his one and only dada. The boy laughed at it.

"I might have mated at young age, but do you really think I didn't date any alphas before Namjoon? He was the clumsiest alpha in the college, plus he was a freshman. He's lucky I even looked in his direction."

"Really? Sounds like you had lots of fun with another alphas. Which you had before Namjoon." Yoongi emphasized every word, already feeling Namjoon's angry pheromones. God, whipped alphas were so easy to piss off. But then again, who was he to judge when recently he became no better.

"Well, not that much fun a-actually." Seokjin sheepishly smiled at his mate whose gaze only darkened and hardened.

Yoongi was happy that he managed to change topic from his personal life to someone's else. He really didn't need hopeless romantic Jin's advices on how to court his omega.

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