32. Bubble of Happiness (M)

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Next three days were as in daze for omega. He remembered lots of love making with his alpha. They hadn't left bedroom for three days in a row. However, Yoongi made sure to feed Hoseok at least three times a day and he also carried his mate to the bathroom to help him take bath.

Yoongi tried to be as fast as possible because they never knew when next wave would hit. But one time it happened right when they were under the shower and the alpha had to take care of his mate right then and there. Not that he complained though. He had a thing for steamy shower sex.

Yoongi enjoyed his omega's heat a bit too much. He loved every second of being buried inside male's tight body and by the end of needing he already got addicted to the feeling. His mate felt heavenly and Yoongi would gladly spend rest of his days doing nothing but making love to him, as Hobi called it.

So when one morning Yoongi woke up and didn't smell omega's heat pheromones in the air, he nearly whined. But that meant that now Hoseok's needing ended and so did his struggles. He knew that heat was draining and painful cycle for omegas, so he was happy that now his mate wouldn't have to go through it over again.

My mate.

Yoongi smiled to the thought and turned, facing his sleeping omega. Hoseok was an angel and anyone who didn't see it was dumb and blind. Yoongi still couldn't believe that he finally had a mate. He had dreamt of it for so long. Despite telling Jin and others he didn't want a mate, he did of course.

The alpha badly wanted to have someone to love and care for. Someone who would make his life more colorful and beautiful. His baby girl made him happy without a doubt, but he wanted to have an equal partner as well. Someone who would accept him and what's even more important, his daughter.

Yoongi's mother had tried to introduce couple of omegas to her son. The alpha even had to go on blind dates. But it was pointless. When later he'd bring omega to his daughter, he could literally feel fake sweetness coming from them while talking to Sumi. The girl also sensed it and didn't even go near them.

Omegas usually struggled to accept other's pups as their own. That's why Yoongi nearly lost the hope to find himself a worthy omega. But then...

The alpha gently brushed Hoseok's hair out of his sticky forehead and kissed male's cheek tenderly. He was so lucky for meeting Hoseok. He really owned Namjoon for that. The male wasn't going to move into Seoul at all if his friend didn't insist on it. Yoongi couldn't even imagine his life would turn this way.

His family was finally complete. The mere thought warmed alpha's chest. Both him and Sumi would now experience how it felt to have omega in their lives. Despite denying it, they both craved for it.

Yoongi quietly got up, dressing in pair of gray sweats and t-shirt, before going to prepare his mate a breakfast. Hoseok must have been starving. That portion of calories that he ate, omega quickly burnt just few minutes later when his alpha fucked living lights out of him.

Yoongi chuckled at the memories. He would gladly spend few more days entangled in bed with his mate, but he knew Hoseok would need rest after his needing.

While alpha was busy on kitchen, omega woke up extremely sore. His body ached in all right places and Hoseok didn't even want to complain about it. He loved the new feeling. It was pleasant sting. The male yawned, stretching his limbs and groaning.

God, this literally was the best heat ever. The alpha was so good that Hoseok didn't even want his needing to end. Yoongi did know what to do and how to handle omega. Hoseok started slowly realizing the whole hype about sex. And the fact that he'd have this alpha all to himself until the end of his life only made butterflies erupt in his stomach.

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