18. The Best Day

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Having a fresh start at 29 was not the easiest thing, especially to Hoseok who never knew how it was to live by your own rules. But the more time passed, the more omega fell in love with freedom. He fell for life all over again, finding the smallest, insignificant things beautiful. His smile was more sincere and mood ten times better than before.

The only thing that bothered omega was living at his best friend's house. Jimin and Taehyung were more than kind to him. They welcomed him with open arms and never asked him to leave or something similar. Just Hoseok felt like he was overstaying his welcome.

So after a month of living with Kim's he informed Jimin that he was looking for an apartment. Unfortunately, taking into consideration his salary of elementary school teacher, there weren't that many options available or to be more precise, affordable for him. But at the same time, he couldn't always stay with Jimin and Taehyung. So omega just started checking few small flats in the area he liked.

Just as Hoseok expected, all affordable apartments were in terrible condition. They were either too small even for a tiny omega, or too dirty. Some had such terrible stains on walls that Hoseok didn't even want to think what might have caused them.

The male did his best to hide it from Jimin, but then one day omega insisted on going with him. Hoseok would probably never forget the way Jimin's eyes widened in horror when he saw the tiny room in the basement that an old lady was renting for no less than half of Hoseok's salary!

He dragged his friend out of there without bidding goodbye to landlord.

"You are not living here, Jung Hoseok!" He exclaimed as soon they were outside of the building.

"Believe it or not, but that isn't the worst place I've seen for last couple of days." Hoseok softly chuckled at his friend's expression. Jimin was exaggerating, that room wasn't that bad. At least it didn't stink unlike previous ones.

"Nope. You are not moving out. You'll stay with us forever! It's decided. Me and Tae love you, our boys are also attached to you. I don't understand why you want to go."

"Because we both know that I can't be burden to you forever."

"Burden?" Jimin gasped as if Hoseok insulted him directly. "Wow! Okay, imagine our roles reversed. I have nowhere to go and you live in a whole ass mansion with your family. Would you let me live in this shithole or insist on me staying with you?"

Well, now that was unfair. Of course Hoseok would never let Jimin live at place like that.

"You already know answer." He sighed as they started walking towards bus station. It was bit chill outside, but cold air pleasantly tickled omega's skin. He loved this time of year the most, when the winter hasn't come yet, but you could already feel it in the air. November indeed was omega's favorite month.

"Then stop being stubborn. I'm doing exactly what you'd have done at my place." Jimin affectionately clinged to his side. He always was like that, tried to charm people with his cuteness and eye smile, knowing well that no one could resist him.

"You know that I can't just live with you guys forever..."

"Why forever? Until you find a wonderful, thoughtful alpha who will madly fall in love with you and give you everything that you deserve." Jimin said mischievously, not even hiding his grin.

"It isn't funny, Min."

"I'm not joking! I can already imagine you with a handsome, young alpha who might or might not have a pretty little girl. And maybe he'll even be lawyer by chance. I mean, who knows everything happens..."

"Jimin!" Hoseok whined embarrassed for some reason. He weakly pushed his friend whose knowing smirk only widened. "Stop! He is not... I mean that's ridiculous. Why would he...? He'll never l-like me or something. Why are you talking like that?"

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