6. Scent Me

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Yoongi was a man who always kept his word, no matter what. So if he made a promise not to give up on a particular blonde teacher who happened to live nearby, the alpha was going to do so. With Sumi's support, they "accidentally" left apartment the same time as Hoseok, who stopped being surprised a week later. The omega guessed that two of them were up to something when it kept happening for a month in a row.

Not that Hoseok minded though. His omega was more than happy to see father-daughter duo every morning. He involuntarily started checking his reflection in the mirror before leaving for work. Hoseok even started putting more effort in his outfits. He just wanted to look decent and appealing. And that definitely nothing had to do with his neighbors. Absolutely and certainly nothing!

One thing that Hoseok couldn't deny was that Min Sumi became his happy pill. He was under the girl's charms and the male wasn't sure if there was way out of this. The pup's affection towards him grew on a daily basis. She often gave the teacher her drawings where the main characters never changed: little Sumi, her dad and Hoseok. All her drawings were about three of them. On Mondays she brought Hoseok cookies that she and her dad usually baked at weekends.

Besides those gifts, the girl just showered him with affectionate gestures. She loved hugging omega when they were alone. She always beamed at him during lesson or after-school care, unable to hide her blooming scent when she was around Hoseok. His omega was weak for those small things. Without realizing it, he became overprotective of the pup. And to be honest, it scared him. Hoseok didn't have right to feel such way towards an angel like Sumi. Not when the omega was bad at protecting pups....


Sumi patiently waited for literature teacher to show up but she was late. So everyone talked to each other except of Sumi who still didn't have much friends. But hey, it wasn't her fault at all! Other students already were divided to small groups and none of them were eager to accept a new girl in their squad. But Sumi didn't mind. As long as she had her teacher Hobi, it didn't matter.

"She baked those cupcakes and told me to share them with my classmates." The girl heard a voice from a desk behind her and slightly turned her head to see what was going on. Doyun was surrounded with few kids as he showed off his lunch box which was full of chocolate cupcakes. Sumi gulped down because they smelled way too delicious but looked away. No one usually offered her treats except of Hobi. He always kept her favorite candies in bag, to give them to Sumi when she did well during after-school care.

"Sumi!" Doyun suddenly called her, caching her by surprise. "Do you want one?" He handed lunch box to the girl who just stared at him astonished. Others usually didn't involve her in their conversations, but she was unaware that the boy had noticed her glancing in his direction.

"The teacher will come any minute now. It will be bad if she catches me eating during the lesson." She reasoned and returned attention to the book she was reading.

"Alright, then I'll save one for you so you can eat it during lunch." He announced solemnly and put his lunch box back in the bag with iron man picture on it. Sumi noticed it only now.

"That's Kookie's favorite superhero!" She exclaimed excited, staring at iron man in awe.

"Who is Kookie?" The boy asked curious.

"Well, he's like my big brother. We have different parents, but love each other like one big family." She explained to her classmates who attentively listened to her.

"Wooow, this is so cool!" One girl, Eun said. "I wish I had big family too, but it's just dad, mom and me."

"So what?" Doyun asked. "I have three big brothers but they're annoying as hell. They're so jealous of me because my mom treats me differently. She scents me every morning before I come to school and when she tucks me to bed, she scents me again. That's why I always smell like roses."

"Ooooh~" Other students said in understanding.

"Really?" Sumi was in awe. Her dad often scented her and she loved to be soaked in his fresh forest scent, but she couldn't help the urge to be thoroughly surrounded by sweet, gentle scent of omega. Doyun was a lucky boy. "I thought it was your natural scent."

"What? Of course it is not! Doesn't your mom scent you every day?" He asked Sumi and now everyone's attention was on her. The girl shrieked under their gaze and averted eyes on her lap. Her scent gave away her worsened mood. Doyun easily caught up on that and decided to change the subject quickly.

"Well, I'm not saying that it's necessary it's just what my mom loves doing, but probably other omegas don't do it so often, right guys?" He hopefully asked his classmates who started thinking about it.

"I don't know, my mom loves scenting me after rough day at work." Eun said and some kids nodded.

"I always ask my dada to scent me before I go to bed. It helps me to sleep better." Another girl said and her classmates agreed, saying they did the same.

Sumi's scent only soured at that. Of course she could ask her dad to scent her anytime and he would happily do that..... but this was completely different.

Thankfully, the teacher showed up two minutes later and everyone stopped discussing the topic. Sumi sighed relieved that she didn't have to hear anymore about other kids' relationship with their omega parents, she would never have.

The rest of the day Sumi was more quiet than usual, even with Hoseok. Her wolf was sulking that they didn't have a loving mom or dada awaiting them at home. It hurt that no omega wanted her to smell like them, that no one loved her enough to cover her thoroughly with their sweet pheromones.

"Sumi, are you alright?" Hoseok's voice brought her back to reality. Just two of them were left as other students had already been picked up by their parents. Sumi stayed until the end as usual.

"I'm fine." The girl replied quietly, not lifting up her head from the notebook. She was staring at a simple equation for too long, but her brain didn't want to cooperate.

"No lovely, you are not." Hoseok gently tilted her head up, his heart breaking in thousand pieces when he noticed how the girl was holding back her tears the best she could. His omega feeling restless at the sight, instantly commanded him to calm down the pup and comfort her.

"What's wrong Sumi? Did something happen?" He kneeled next to her, hugging the girl to his chest.

"N-no." The girl sniffled, wiping her tears. She didn't want to cry, but she had little control over her emotions at that moment. "I just want to be like everyone else." She murmured, burying face in his neck.

"It's okay baby, everything will be fine." Hoseok didn't know what she was talking about, but firstly he had to calm her little bit.

"Dad does so much for me and I can't be ungrateful, but I feel so guilty for wanting more... I'm such a bad daughter."

"Shh! Don't you ever say that, sweetheart. Your dad would be so mad if he heard you right now. He loves you the most in this world. You can never be a bad daughter to him." Hoseok assured her, wholeheartedly meaning every word. A pup like Sumi would make any parent the happiest. He knew it for sure.

Sumi slowly relaxed in his embrace. The omega's sweet pheromones did wonders to her. She gently nuzzled his scent gland, basking in his rich vanilla scent that she loved so much. She wished so bad to smell like him not just for a while, but for a whole day. She wanted to have omega's addicting scent on her skin for much longer....

So at the moment of weakness, when Sumi's little heart couldn't take it anymore, she voiced her most discreet desire.

"Will you scent me, please?"


A/N: I'm getting really attached to Sumi🥹

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