16. Get It Off Chest

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"Excuse me, I have a meeting with Attorney Min. Could you tell me where am I supposed to go?"

Hoseok was in Yoongi's firm. The alpha had finally scheduled their first meeting as client and lawyer three days later. Omega was equally nervous and anxious. He couldn't believe that he was actually going to get divorced.

"Can I have your name, please?" The receptionist asked with polite smile.

"It's Jung Hoseok."

"Yes, I see it on his schedule. Please follow me, Mr. Jung."

Hoseok's eyes wandered in all directions, taking in exquisite interior of firm. He heard a lot about Kim's Law Firm but thankfully, he had never needed their services before. Now that he thought about it, maybe he should have gone there sooner for his own good.

"Right here, Mr. Min is waiting for you." The female stopped in front of a particular black door. They were on third floor and it seemed like Yoongi was the boss in there. All other workers were situated in common space next to their personal desks, but Yoongi apparently was the only one who had his own office.

"Thank you." The omega bowed to her and knocked once the woman left.

"Come in."

Yoongi greeted omega with a professionalism, shaking his hand and suggesting him to take the seat. Little did Hoseok know how impatiently alpha had waited for this meeting, planning how it would go over and over again.

"How do you feel today, teacher Jung?" He asked omega warmly before moving to the procedure.

"Good. I just want to get over with it."

"Perfect. Let's get started then. I'll ask you questions and I hope you'll be honest with me. Please don't hide anything. But also don't feel pressured to answer me. If you feel uncomfortable, just let me know. Alright?"

Hoseok nodded. He wasn't going to hide anything from alpha. After all, he was there to help him. Besides, keeping everything to himself haven't helped him all those years.

"Alright, firstly tell me when the first incident happened."

Just as omega promised himself, he said the whole truth. Even though it was the most painful and ugly part of his life, he had to let it out loud at least once in his life. He was so tired of swallowing all resentments silently. The male finally found courage to speak up.

If only Hoseok knew turmoil going on inside Yoongi as he listened to him. Neither him, nor his alpha liked hearing the way Daehyun drained omega and hurt his emotions on daily basis. Omegas were fragile creatures. They heavily relied for emotional support on their mate. So what Daehyun did was nothing but torturing omega. Yoongi badly wished to make him pay for all of this.

"Lastly, I have to ask you about your... I need you to tell me about your daughter." Alpha didn't want to trigger omega or make him upset, but there was no other way. He had to find out whole truth in order to free him from his toxic mate once and for all.

"Alright." Hoseok nodded, gathering himself to recall the worst day in his life. He knew it would hurt as always, but he had to go through it once again. "I was always the one responsible for picking up or dropping off Eunji at kindergarten. I basically was responsible for everything involving our daughter. Daehyun, he never participated in anything. I had a husband, yet I felt like a single parent. I didn't understand how could he be so cold with our little bundle of happiness. But at that time I didn't even pay mind to it. Eunji filled me with life and gave me strength. I only cared about my baby girl. Her cute giggles and sunshine smile was the only thing that made me happy. She was the most polite, kind and pure child. I wanted to protect her from whole world, but...."

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