10. Purpose

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"Useless omega..." A plate flew to Hoseok's direction, hitting the wall next to his head. "Where the fuck have you been? Who gave you permission to come home this late?!"

Hoseok jolted as something else collapsed with the wall beside him. How much he wished Daehyun to stop! He was so fed up with his mate's behavior. Why couldn't he be a normal alpha just for one day? Was that too much to ask for?

"I'm tired..." Hoseok mumbled sliding down and hugging his knees.

"Shut up. You always come home smelling different, but today you're reeking this nauseating sweet scent of a pup."

"Stop!" Omega covered his ears with trembling hands. "Leave me alone."

"What did you say?" The alpha yanked him up by his collar and slammed against the wall painfully. "I'm sick of you my mate always having some pups smell! You know how I hate sweet scents!"

"I work in school! How do you expect me to smell when I come home after spending whole day with children?" Hoseok spat in his face. The omega was losing his patience with this alpha's unreasonable complaints.

"Don't you dare to talk back!" Daehyun warned his mate and Hoseok just closed his eyes, letting tears flow down his face. He already was sad after talking about his daughter earlier and Daehyun was making it worse for him, as usual.

"I just wanna go sleep-"

"You're making fool of me. You think I didn't notice it, but I know that this scent belongs to the pup that lives across us." Daehyun let go of omega and Hoseok slightly relaxed. "I don't know what you're imagining in your head, but better stay away from her. You have no right to be close to any pup after failing your own daughter."

"N-no!" Hoseok covered his ears once again, not wanting to hear Daehyun's words which always hurt him. "Shut up... Get out of my head!"

The alpha eyed him in disbelief. Omega had never dared to talk back to him, let alone tell him to shut up. Neither him nor his wolf appreciated it. So when Hoseok tried to slip away, he saw red. He marched towards omega with a growl and slapped him so hard, the male fell on the ground.

"D-Daehyun!" Hoseok yelled when the alpha straddled him and wrapped his large hands around his neck.

"Have guts to shut up your alpha?" He chocked his mate with maniacal expression of face. For the first time since getting married, Hoseok was afraid for his life. "Did you forget that you're just worthless omega?! You. Couldn't. Protect. Your. Pup! Why are you even alive when our daughter is buried in cold ground?"

He is right. Hoseok slowly stopped thrashing under him and trying to make alpha stop.

Daehyun was right. He didn't deserve to breath, walk and just be alive, when his little angel wasn't with them anymore. Hoseok had wished so many times to take his daughter's place. Why couldn't that car hit him instead? Why couldn't it be him???

The omega chocked out a pained cry at bitter thoughts, but a second later he felt pressure on his neck gone and he sharply inhaled air. Daehyun got off of him, looking down at omega with disgusted face.

"You don't deserve such easy death. You should live and suffer." He said with a scoff and went to a bedroom with a loud bang of door.

He left Hoseok to crumble on the floor, surrounded by shattered pieces of glass. Omega already had injuries on hands and legs, but he didn't pay mind to it. He couldn't feel physical pain because his heart clenched in the most painful way possible.

Why couldn't all of this just end? Why did he have to suffer like this every day?

Hoseok kept crying his heart out because he couldn't take it anymore. The guilt and sorrow were eating him alive and he didn't know how long he'd last. Not with Daehyun treating him like that.

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