21. His Vow

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Just like always, Yoongi kept his promise and two days later, he brought Hoseok to the specialist who knew everything about mating marks. The female was in her late 40s and she welcomed them in her small office on the first floor of some old building. One thing Hoseok instantly noticed about her was that she had a scarf wrapper around her neck and her mark wasn't visible.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you. My name is Nali. Come, have a seat." She ushered them inside and suggested them something to drink. After pouring Hoseok a glass of water, she addressed him. "I've heard that you want to be unclaimed, is that correct?"

The omega looked at her with his wide eyes and nodded without hesitation.

"Yes, we are looking for ways to remove the mating mark if that's possible." Yoongi answered for him when noticed omega's anxious state. Hoseok was too nervous, his palms were icy and he kept biting his lower lip.

"It's possible, actually." The woman nodded assuringly, warmly smiling at Hoseok. She easily detected his nervousness.

"Really? I was afraid I would be stuck with his claim on me forever." The male sighed a breath of relief and relaxed a bit in his chair.

"It's uncommon, but it still happens. It's quite rare for mates to decide part ways on their own. As you know majority of abusive alphas don't let their omegas to leave them. It's just complicated."

"I know. My mate would also never give me divorce if not Yoongi. I'm sure he'd humiliate me in the court in front of judges and then drag me back home." Hoseok's brows furrowed as he imagined the perspective. It would have been his reality if he hadn't met Sumi and her wonderful dad.

"I'm sorry about it." Nali said sincerely.

"It's upsetting that this is reality of many omegas."

"I wish I could help all of them."

"But majority don't even know that it's possible to break off bond with your mate! They need to know about it because it's so great! At least we have a choice."

The female nodded. "It's a wonderful opportunity, but it has its own flaws."

"Could you please explain to us how is it possible to get rid of a mark?" Yoongi pushed her directly to the point. He badly wanted to know as well because he always considered that mating mark was a permanent claim.

"Yes, so there are two ways of breaking off the bond. First one is quite painful process... The mark will be burnt out of your skin."

Hoseok threw at her terrified look. Did he hear her right? She said burn it out of skin?

"How?" He asked with wavering voice, his omega shrinking inside him, already imagining the terrible pain it would bring them.

"They'll literally burn your mating mark with a branding iron. It'll break the bond forever."

Hoseok's hand flew to his neck and he covered his mark, shaking his head. "No...." He whispered as tears of horror rolled down his face. "Please, it's so cruel. I can't... It'll kill me."

"Your fear is justified. It's very agonizing process, I can't even describe you by words how much it'll hurt." The woman said understandingly.

"I'll have a terrible burn mark on my neck! How am I supposed to live after that?" He turned to Yoongi, looking at the male with his big terrified eyes. The alpha cupped his palms, instantly spreading his calming pheromones. "Yoongi, I can't have this horrible mark on my neck! I'll look like a freak. Everyone will hate me and judge me and...."

Yoongi just hugged him, gently caressing his hair and cocooning the male in his scent. Surprisingly, it worked on omega the same way it always worked on Sumi. Just couple of minutes later, Hoseok calmed down and looked up at him embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." He told both of them. "You're trying to help me, but I act like a crybaby. I'm sorry, Nali."

"No, there is nothing to apologize for. It's natural to feel this way when you hear something similar. I went through this as well."

Hoseok threw glance at her scarf. "Did you..." He pointed at his neck, wordlessly asking the question. The woman sadly nodded.

"My mate left me no other choice. I knew if I didn't do it, I would have died."

"I'm sorry. I said that the burn mark would make me freak. I didn't mean it."

"I'm not upset, really. Everything changed after this..." She slightly pulled her scarf down, but stopped midway and put it back. "I don't think you're ready to see this."

"Maybe first you'll tell us what is the second option?" Yoongi intervened once again, unwilling to make omega go through another break down. He hoped the alternative wouldn't be worse than first choice.

"Of course. The second way of breaking your bond is to get re-claimed." She hurried to explain when noticed their confused faces. "It means, get mated to another alpha. If an alpha marks you at the same place, then the old bond will be completely ruined and replaced by new one."

"So, I can become another alpha's mate instead of Daehyun's?" Hoseok asked with a glimpse of hope. He tried not to be too obvious, but his omega was already all in ears, waggling his tail happy at woman's words.

Yoongi's wolf was no better. He stared at omega, unable to peel his eyes of the most beautiful creature he had ever met. There were no ifs. He'd make Hoseok his, if omega allowed him of course.

"Yes, that's very much possible." Nali nodded joyfully, already sensing where all of this was heading. She watched with amusement how Hoseok discretely glanced at Yoongi only to be met with alpha's infatuated gaze on him. He instantly averted eyes, flushed.

"Yeah, that's g-great." Omega stuttered, his face turning redder with every passing second.

"Yes. First option is too excruciating, but omegas who just want to escape their mates often chose it because not everyone is ready to have new mate." And in majority cases, they don't have by their side whipped alpha.

After asking couple of more detailed questions about each alternative, Yoongi and Hoseok left Nali's office at much better mood then when they first came here.

"I think I should have seen her burn scar. It would have been better if I knew what it looks like in case I'll have to..." Omega gently traced his mark. The mere thought of burning it terrified him.

"Stop it."

"I'm sorry. I'm just scared..." He said with a pout and looked down. How could alpha possibly not coo at this cutie?

With a wide smile, he stepped closer and wrapped arms around him. Hoseok's hands instantly flew to clutch on his coat. Omega's nose brushed over Yoongi's scent gland and he inhaled alpha's rich forest scent, going lax in his embrace.

Yoongi did his best to keep his body relaxed and not give into the tension as addictive scent of vanilla filled his nostrils. He only tightened his grip around Hoseok, pressing their chests closer to one another.

"Listen to me carefully, omega." He said calmly, scratching Hoseok's scalp with his fingers as omega nuzzled further into his neck. "I'll never let a terrible burn scar decorate your beautiful, fragile neck. Do you understand me?"

"R-really? You promise?" Hoseok lifted his head, studying Yoongi's expression attentively.

"I do. You have my word on that."

If happiness could kill, omega would have died on the spot, lightheaded with the indirect promise of the life that he had always dreamt of.


A/N: Aren't they just... ugh. My cuties💗💓💖💕

Anyone looking forward to bond-breaking process?😏

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