37. Fresh Start (M)

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"Close your eyes tight guys, okay? Sumi, I see that you're trying to have a peek." Yoongi led Hoseok and his pup somewhere, covering their eyes with his hands. He had woke them up early morning and drove to brand new apartment complex. They rode the elevator and now Yoongi was clumsily leading them towards one of the apartments as Hoseok supposed.

"Is this really necessary, Yoongi?" Omega asked his mate when he stumbled upon something and nearly ended up on the floor.

"Of course! It's a surprise."

"Ohhh! I love surprises. Can I see it dad? Can I see it? Can I?" Sumi exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Alright, here you go. I'm letting you go at three. One, two.... and three!" He removed his hand as promised, showing two of them brand new, shiny apartment with a beautiful view of the city.

Sumi and Hoseok gasped, the girl running to the floor-to-ceiling window and looking out mesmerized. Omega's eyes raked beautiful furniture made in soft colors and what even more important, the apartment in whole looked so child friendly. Starting from the furniture with no sharp edges. Everything seemed so simple, yet beautiful, Hoseok was speechless.

 Everything seemed so simple, yet beautiful, Hoseok was speechless

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"Yoongi, I have no words. What is this place?" Hoseok turned to his mate who was observing their reaction all this time.

"This is our new apartment!"

"Did you rent it?" Omega's eyes widened.

"No, love. I bought it."

Hoseok's jaw fell on the floor, while Sumi squealed excited and ran up to her dad with a wide smile.

"Really? We'll live here now?"

"Yes, baby." The alpha crouched down, letting his daughter hang on his neck. "I mean if your dada will agree of course. I think he malfunctioned, sweetheart." Yoongi shook a hand in front of the male, receiving barely any reaction.

"But h-how?" Hoseok dragged gaze on the alpha's grinning face. "Didn't it cost you fortune?"

"In Daegu I lived with my parents and nearly everything that I earned, I was saving. I wanted to buy a place for me and Sumi one day. I think now is the most appropriate time. It's a New Year, let's have a fresh start." Yoongi picked up Sumi and approached his omega. "I don't want you to pass apartment, where you've struggled so much, every single day. We did meet there, but I think it's time to start writing our story, Hobi. Only ours. Let's make happy memories in our apartment."

Hoseok didn't know how he managed to survive with the alpha who overwhelmed him with so much love and beautiful gestures. Once again his omega was on cloud nine from the happiness. They did choose right mate, just the best alpha who cared so much about his den. It made Hoseok's heart flutter.

"This is the sweetest thing someone had ever done for me." Omega told him, going over to two of them and hugging his mate and pup. Sumi wrapped her small arms around her both parents, nuzzling their cheeks. Hoseok's omega instantly replied to their pup by releasing his sweet pheromones.

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