15. Protective Alpha

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"What do you mean you can't take this case?" A frown on Namjoon's face deepened at Yoongi's words. "You're refusing me for the second time this week. What is that supposed to mean?"

"I'm working on something else and I want all my focus on that case."

"Mind sharing what got your solemn attention?"

Yoongi knew that he couldn't hide it from Namjoon forever, neither he was going to. But he didn't want to have this conversation just few days after suggesting to help Hoseok with divorce.

"I'm working on a divorce case. My client is an omega whose alpha..." Yoongi clenched his fists before continuing. "...abused him mentally and physically."

"But you aren't a divorce and family lawyer, Yoongi and we aren't firm that works on such cases. How did this client reach you?"

"It was my suggestion. I offered him my services." Yoongi said calmly. So far he managed to act cool. But if Namjoon continued being a coconut head, there was high possibility that he would snap. Nothing in this world would make him drop this case and leave Hoseok to deal with this stress alone. Moreover, Yoongi didn't trust other lawyers, who would probably not spend even tenth of efforts to help omega.

"For God's sake, why would you-"

"What's going on here?" It was Jin. "I heard you two all the way outside."

Yoongi thanked God that omega came because he wasn't in the mood of arguing with his best friend slash boss about this. He had better things to do. Like work.

"Nothing. I was just telling your husband, that I will not be taking couple of new cases until I am done with my current work."

"Which is a freaking divorce case! This is much below your level, Yoongi. You're an attor-"

"I. Am. Taking. This. Case." Yoongi emphasized each word, just in order Namjoon had problem with his ears, because he clearly didn't hear a thing the male was trying to tell him. "And that's my final word."

Yoongi saw surprise flash behind alpha's eyes as he gaped at him in disbelief. Yoongi wasn't someone to rebel like this. He was competent worker who usually followed orders. He of course never held back from expressing his opinion, but the alpha had also never gone against his boss's order.

"Hold up." Seokjin motioned his mate to stay still, who looked on the verge of jumping off his seat. "What case are you talking about? I don't remember anyone addressing our firm with divorce request."

Jin was Namjoon's secretary so he was aware of all requests that their firm got on daily basis. He was responsible to go through them and inform their boss. So he clearly would have known if anyone had asked for their consultations in divorce.

"He isn't one of our usual clients." Yoongi clarified to confused omega. "He's my neighbour and-"

"Sumi's teacher." Jin finished instead of him, surprising both alphas.

"How do you know?" Yoongi eyed him with suspicion.

That was good question with quite complicated answer.

Sumi was obviously the one who kept updating Seokjin on what was going on in their lives. Whenever she visited Kims she kept rambling about her teacher who had the most beautiful smile and wonderful scent ever.

At first Seokjin didn't really pay attention to it, but then when Sumi said that he was their neighbour and she and her dad waited for him every morning to go to school together, Jin felt something was going on. So he kept subtly asking Sumi a question or two about her teacher and girl always told him everything without any suspicion. In short, Seokjin knew nearly about every interaction father-daughter duo had with omega.

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