🍁 Meeting 🍁

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Y/n' POV

When we went inside the restaurant I saw Dad hugging a man.

???:- "Hello my dear friend...... How are you?" He said while breaking the hug.

Dad:- "I'm good...... What about you? And where are your two sons?" He asked while looking here and there.

???:- "Oh, they are coming after finishing a business meeting." He said while taking the seat. We also take our seats when my father introduces that man to us.

Dad:- "Y/n, Seo-Joon..... He is my friend Mr. Kim Jae-sung and his wife Kim Eun-ae, and Jae-sung she is my lovely daughter Park Y/n and he is my dear son Park Seo-Joon." He introduced us and Mr.Kim give us a smile which we gladly returned.

Y/n:- "Hello Mr& Mrs.Kim...... Nice to meet you." I greet him and Mrs.Kim.

Mr.Kim:- "Hello dear. I heard that you handle your father's business very well .... that's great." He said and I saw my father's proud expression.

Y/n:- "Well Mr.Kim it's not only me..... Seo-Joon and Dad help me with this. If they both didn't guide me, I don't think I can handle all of this." I replied smiling.

Mrs.Kim:- "So what do you think about marriage?" She asked me.

Y/n:- "I didn't think anything about this now." Then they both exchange looks. Suddenly I heard someone from behind.

???:- "Sorry guys." Then two handsome boys came and sit beside Mr & Mrs.Kim.

???:- "Sorry appa for being late..... Because of the traffic, we got late." 2nd boy said while sitting.

Mr.Kim:- "It's okay boys..... Byung-ho meet my sons..... He is Kim Suho my elder son and he is Kim Taehyung my younger son." He introduced his sons. I didn't notice that when I started staring at his younger son.

Seo-Joon:- "So handsome right?" He whispered in my ear which made me flinched I hit his arms.

Y/n:- "Shut up." I said annoyingly then I again look towards him and found that he already looking at me so I immediately looked away while feeling embarrassed.

Shoot! Y/n ..... Now what he will think? Oh god! Y/n. I said to myself.

Dad:- "Actually princess we are here for talking about your marriage." I shot up my head immediately towards my dad.

Y/n:- "What?" My eyes widened when I heard that I didn't know that they are planning this.

Mr. Kim:- "Yes dear... We want you to be our daughter-in-law. You are perfect for Suho." He said and Patt his elder son's shoulder.

Dad:- "And we are business partners so it will be great to convert are partnership into a relationship." He said very excitedly. I saw a beautiful smile on my father's face. But Seo-joon interrupts him.

Seo-Joon:- "But Dad why didn't you ask her before this?" Here the protective older brother mode is on. Seo-joon always kept in my mind that I should not be pressured by our parents. He always supports me in my decision and I love him for this.

Dad:- "Seo-joon don't worry no one will force your little sister." Dad know Seo-joon 's nature so he assured him. "She will decide if she wants to marry or not."

Mr.Kim:- "Right young boy.....we are not forcing her. So Y/n Will you marry Suho?" He asked me and I looked towards Suho he was smiling very beautifully. He was also handsome but I don't why I feel very disappointed that it was Suho instead of Taehyung but I shrugged off that thought.

Y/n:- "Before giving any answer I want to talk to Suho-ssi." I really want to talk to him before deciding anything.

Mr.Kim:- "Why not! " Then Suho and I stands up and left from there. We went to the lobby of the restaurant.

Suho:- "So...... What do you want to talk." He said smiling. I smiled back and asked.

Y/n:- "Suho-ssi I want to know that do you want to marry me? If there is any pressure on you then you can say no." He smiled and took the right hand. I flinched little bit.

Suho:- "Honestly saying when I saw you first time when I came ." He looked down and scratch his neck. "I don't want to sound cheesy but I think I liked you already." He said while looking down. I feel like my cheek is red. I also look down shyly.

Suho:- "I will marry you not in any pressure..... I will marry you with my own will." Then we went back to our parents.

Suho:- "We are ready for this marriage." After hearing that our parents start congratulations. I saw Taehyung giving hug to his brother. When I was watching Kim brothers, Seo-Joon came to me and hug me I hugged him back.

Seo-Joon:- "Are you sure? You want this marriage?" He asked in a protective brother tone. I smiled after hearing that.

Y/n:- "I am sure Seo-Joon." He caressed my head lovingly. Then he went to Suho and said.

Seo-Joon:- "I hope you will take care of her or else I will kill you." He said in fake anger. Suho laughing.

Suho:- "Of course hyung..... don't want to die this soon." Then they shared a lovely hug. Then Taehyung came to me.

Taehyung:- "Congratulations Y/n-ssi." He congratulates me while forwarding his hand towards me for the handshake and I accept it.

Taehyung's POV

When I shake hands with her I don't why I feel my heartbeat fastened. I know it's wrong but I feel sad that she is getting married to Suho hyung. I don't why but I feel like I want her for me. No this is wrong I have to control my emotions. Soon she is going to be my sister-in-law soon......


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