🍁 Dinner 🍁

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Author's POV

Y/n was working on her laptop when Suho came to her cabin.

Suho:- "Hey beautiful." She looked upward and blushed at her new nickname. He always gives her new nicknames. She shyly greets him back.

Y/n:- "Hey... What are you doing here?" She asked before closing her laptop. Suho sits in front of her.

Suho:- "Actually eomma invites you to have dinner with us." He said and place his hand on the table.

Y/n:- "Okay. I will come." She said and smile. Suho cleared his throat and straightened his posture.

Suho:- "So, are you busy now?" Y/n looked towards Suho.

Y/n:- "No... Why?"

Suho:- "Then let's have lunch together." Then they went to have their lunch.

Y/n, enjoy lunch with Suho. She is having happy moments with her soon-to-be husband. It has been a week since their marriage was fixed. They are getting along. Suho Always came to meet her and take her for lunch or a date.Y/n was happy that she agreed to this marriage.

After having lunch she came back to her office. When she enters her cabin. Someone hugged her from behind. She flinched.

???:- "Shhhhh! It's me." She recognized the voice and her body clam in that person's arms.

Y/n's POV


After having a great lunch with Suho. I came back to my office. Suddenly someone hugged me from behind I started panicking.

???:- "Shhhhhh! It's me." When I listen that voice my body calmed.

???:- "I missed you." I turn around.

Y/n:- "Oh really..... You know me?" I said sarcastically.

???:- "I'm sorry sweetie..... I know I didn't contact you. I was busy. Sorry." He said and hold his ears.

Y/n:- "I will not forgive you without giving you punishment." I said and give him an evil smirk.

???:- "No!!!!!! Please don't do this to me." He said and start whining.

Seo-Joon:- "Yoongi is this you?" Seo-Joon says from behind, he turns around and hugs him.

Seo-Joon:- "Omg Yoongi ..... You are looking totally different. You changed a lot." He said and Patt his shoulder.

Yoongi:- "I missed you hyung." He said.

Y/n:- "Oh really..... You know us?" I again said sarcastically.

Yoongi:- "Hyung please say to her to forgive me." He whined. I fold my arms.

Y/n:- "No way Yoongi...... You have to take the punishment." I said and he sighed in defeat.

Yoongi:- "Okay..... But you have to forgive."

Y/n:- "Okay." I said but I internally evilly think about the punishment.

Y/n:- "Your punishment is you have to get up early in the morning and make breakfast for me." When I told him his punishment his eyes widened.

Yoongi:- "This is highly wrong Y/n. You know I can't get up early in the morning." I laughed evilly

Y/n:- "I know yoongs..... That's why I give this punishment." I pinched his cheeks. And went away from there.

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