🍁 Finally 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

I went to Jungkook and take him with me. I had a very big smile on my face all the time.

Jungkook:- "What happened hyung? You are looking so happy." I shot my head towards him and smiled.

Taehyung:- "You will know the reason soon." He looks at me with confused expression and we come outside of her cabin. I knock and went inside. She look towards us and smiled. When Jungkook look at her he also become shocked he immediately look towards me and I nodded my head.

Y/n:- "Come... Sit here." She said in a soft voice to Jungkook. I still can't take my eyes off her. Jungkook sits there and she checks his cut. "Don't worry..... It's not that deep." Her soft voice is like music to my ears. Then she treats his cut.

Jungkook:- "Thank doctor." He said softly. She shakes her head.

Y/n:- "It's my duty sir... Don't say thanks." She is a very nice person. Same as I was her in my dreams. Then she went towards her seat and told us to take a seat as well. We sit in front of her. "I'm giving you pain killer. Okay." I nod my head.

Taehyung:- "Thanks doctor Y/n." She look towards me and smiled.

Y/n:- "It's okay sir-"

Taehyung:- "Taehyung..... My name is Kim Taehyung. Don't call me sir." She smiled.

Y/n:- "Okay..... Mr.Kim. You can take him home." She gives me the prescription. I take that from her hand.

Taehyung:- "Aah... Doctor, are you sure he is fine? Is there no need to admit him?" I asked and Jungkook immediately looked toward me with wide eyes

Jungkook's POV

I was shocked to watch hyung have this much concern about me.

Y/n:- "No Mr. Kim. There is no need to admit him. It's just a cut." She said

Taehyung:- "Okay then give me your number." She look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Please don't take me wrong. I'm asking you because what if he needs any medical help so I can call you." He said with a grin. She had a weird expression on her face but she take out her card and give it to him. Then we thanked her and stand up. Then we walk out of the cabin and I hugged him.

Jungkook:- "Aww hyung I didn't know that you are this much concern about me." He pushed me. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Taehyung:- "I was not concerned about you. I was just finding excuses to stay with her a few more minutes nothing else." My eyes go widen at his statement.

Jungkook:- "I thought you were concerned about me." I said in a little annoyed tone. He put his hand around my neck.

Taehyung:- "I know you are okay Jungkook." Then he walked away from there. I run to him.

Jungkook:- "Wow hyung... You just met her and you already forget me." He laughed and we went.

Taehyung's POV

Yeah! Today luck is on my side. First I was able to meet my Y/n and after that, I was able to get her number and slowly slowly I will able to win her heart also. But what if she has a boyfriend..... No, no don't think negatively. I'm sure she is single.

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