🍁 Confession 🍁

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Y/n's POV

Taehyung:- "Hello Y/n." He said with a grin. I can't believe that Mr. Kim is my blind date.

Y/n:- "You are my blind date?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Taehyung:- "Let's take a seat first." He pulls a chair for me. I hesitantly sit then he went in front of me and sits there.

Y/n:- "Did you know all this?" I asked curiously. "And why didn't you pick up my call when I called you? I want to say thanks for that day but you went away and when I called you but you didn't pick up."

Taehyung:- "Whoa...... Slowly, slowly. I will tell you everything first let's order something." He said with a boxy smile. I nod. Then I order one Ice Americano for myself and he orders hot chocolate for himself and cheesecake for both of us.

Y/n:- "Now will you tell me or not?" He just smiled.

Taehyung:- "I'm really sorry for not answering your call. Actually went over sea for work and got busy there that's why I can't take your call and I'm really sorry for that." I nod my head.

Y/n:- "It's okay..... Work is more important." I said slowly.

Taehyung:- "And about the blind date actually...... I was the one who told IU to convince you for the date." I look at him with wide eyes.

Y/n:- "You? Why? And did you know about my break up?" He nodded slowly.

Taehyung:- "That day when I take you to the hospital, where I met your ex-boyfriend. I got really sad because...." He stops in the middle. I was sitting there clueless.

Y/n:- "Why got u sad Mr. Kim?" He looks towards me with so many emotions in his eyes.

Taehyung:- "Because I love you Y/n." My eyes go wider. "I know you must think how can I love but I love you since I saw you." Nothing came to my mind. I was so shocked by his sudden confession. "I know you are shocked by my confession and I totally understand you. I know your heart doesn't heal yet but believe me, it's my true feelings for you." He suddenly holds my hand. I flinched at the sudden touch.

Y/n:- "Mr. Kim...... I respect your feelings..... But as you said my heart didn't heal yet..... and I can't believe anyone easily now after what happened to me..... I hope you will understand me." I pulled my hand from his grip and looked down. I heard his sigh.

Taehyung:- "I..... I completely understand you and I'll prove you my love for you. I'll show you that my love is real. I really love you. I will heal your broken heart, but till then can we become friends." He said while extending his hand towards me. I slowly smile at him and take his hand.

Jungkook's POV

I and IU were sitting at a short distance and listening to everything thing and when hyung suddenly confess his feelings, I and IU immediately looked at each other.

IU:- "What the hell! Why he confessed suddenly. We planned that we will go slowly then ?" She said in a serious tone. I shake my head. I knew that hyung will do this because he is a very straightforward type. He said what is his heart he didn't wait for any specific moment.

Jungkook:- "It's good he confessed." IU furrowed her eyebrows. I put my arm around her neck. "If Y/n is already aware of his feelings for her then it will be easy for hyung to win her heart right?!" I said to her and she think for a moment and then nod her head.

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