🍁 Shopping Day 🍁

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Y/n's POV

It's nighttime. All are sleeping in their tents. I look at my side, IU is sleeping peacefully. I stand up from the bed and went outside. The sky is full of stars. It's giving a beautiful view of the sky. I sat on the stone and admire the beauty of the night and thinking about Taehyung. I know that I will not regret this decision. The words from that guiding spirit come into my mind. She said the love story of the past and Taehyung also said that he saw me in his dreams. Is this all connected in any way? Are we connected from the past? I shake my head.

Y/n:- "What the hell I'm thinking? Hahaha. There is no such thing as past life. But I can't deny that today I saw a guiding spirit. If it's there nothing exists like this then....."

???:- "What are doing at this late Y/n?" I recognize that voice and a smile appeared on my face. I turn around.

Y/n:- "I can ask you the same question Taehyung." He smiles and sits beside me.

Taehyung:- "Can't sleep because of happiness." He said and rubbed the back of his neck.

Y/n:- "Today something unusual happen." He immediately shot his head towards me.

Taehyung:- "What happened?" First I look towards him then I turn my gaze towards the beautiful sky.

Y/n:- "Today when I saw you with Dr. Sora... I felt like someone pinching my heart." Taehyung take my left cheek and turn my face towards him.

Taehyung:- "Really." He said in. A teasing way. I slap his hand.

Y/n:- "Yes.... And you were looking so happy at that time with her." He shakes his head.

Taehyung:- "It was nothing like that. It was all our plan" I become shocked at his confession. He bites his tongue and immediately looks away. I take his face and made him look towards me. I narrowed my eyes.

Y/n:- "What did you say just now?..... Plan?" He shakes his head.

Taehyung:- "Haha.... What are you saying.... Haha.... When did I say this? " I glare at him and he gulp.

Y/n:- "I heard that Taehyung... You said that it was all your plan. And specifically, you said 'Our' means Jungkook, and IU were also planning this." I fold my arms across my chest. Taehyung pout and look down.

Taehyung:- "Yes.... It was all planned." He looks towards me. "What you didn't leave any way for me. You were not accepting that you love me, so when I saw you jealous then we make this plan to make you jealous. But before starting the plan you accept it." I sigh.

Y/n:- "You and your plans." They all are unbelievable.

Taehyung:- "Sorry.... But tell me what unusual happen?"

Y/n:- "After that, I went away from there and went under a tree." Then I tell him everything thinks. He listens very carefully. "I don't believe in past life things... Do you believe in these types of things?" I ask him but he was lost in his thoughts. I tap on his shoulder. "Earth to Taehyung.... I asked you something... In what thoughts do you get lost? " He shakes his head.

Taehyung:- "Nothing Y..... I'm just thinking what if we are really connected from our past? Because in my dreams, I saw you and we get married in my dreams and once in my dreams, I proposed to you but after that, we get into an accident." My eyes widened.

Y/n:- "What does it mean Taehyung? That spirit also said that we have our incomplete story and I shouldn't take time to confess to you." He cups my both cheeks and connects our forehead.

Taehyung:- "It's mean that we were destined to be together Y/n. And if we were together in our previous life and can't able to complete our story. It means God wants us to complete this life. It's our Destiny." We both stare at each other. The words from my mother rang in my ears.

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