🍁 Rage 🍁

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Author's POV

When Y/n and Seo-joon enter a man was already there to greet them.

???:- "Hello Y/n." When Y/n saw that person she immediately jumped into his arms.

Because of the sudden jump, that person went one step back. Y/n was looking very happy after seeing that person after so many years. That person is one of her closest one.

That person also missed her. Because of work, he have to travel and that's why they both weren't able to meet them.

???:- "Missed me?" He asked her while pulling her back from the hug.

Y/n:- "I really missed you Hobi." She again hugged him.

Seo-Joon:- "Did you like my surprise?" He asked from behind. Y/n looks towards her brother with wide eyes.

Y/n:- "You knew that Hobi is coming? But why didn't you tell me?" She asked in a pout.

Seo-Joon:- "Hobi told me not to tell you that he is coming back. So I lied to you about the meeting." Y/n looked towards Hobi.

Y/n:- "This is wrong Hobi. If you had told me I would have come to receive you at the airport." Hoseok pulled her cheeks and said.

Hoseok:- "Pabo....... I wanted to see this reaction from you and if I had told you already then I couldn't able to get the hug that you give me now." He again hugged her. Y/n smiled.

Seo-Joon:- "Good Hobi ...... You forgot me in front of your best friend." He said dramatically. "It's okay...... I will endure this pain." And wipe his fake tears.

Y/n:- "Here's come our drama queen." She rolled her eyes. Hoseok went to Seo-Joon and hugged him.

Hoseok:- "How can I forget you hyung."

Seo-Joon:- "Okay ..... You both do your chit-chat. I have an important meeting. I'll see you later." Then he left from there.

Hoseok:- "Let's go to our regular place." Y/n excitedly nodded her head.

They both went to their favorite cafe where they both spend their time. Hoseok went and ordered drinks for both of them and came to their seat.

Y/n:- "How's your business going?" She places her elbow on the table.

Hoseok:- "It's going well and forget about business. I want to tell you something." He said with sparkling eyes. He had the biggest smile on his face.

Y/n:- "Okay." He was about to say something when the waiter there came.

Waiter:- "Here's your order." He placed their drinks on the table. They both thanked him.

Y/n:- "Hmm... You were saying something." She takes and sips her drink.

Hoseok:- "Yes... I want to say that-" Suddenly he stopped in the middle. The smile disappeared from his face. He was just staring somewhere.Y/n look towards him and saw him staring at her wedding ring.

Hoseok:- "You got married? When? With whom? And you didn't even tell me." Sadness was visible in his voice.

Y/n:- "Hobi..... I didn't get time to tell you. I'm sorry." Then she told him everything. With whom she was supposed to marry and all. Y/n has pure hate in her eyes while taking Suho's name. Hoseok got really angry after hearing what happened to his best friend. He takes her hand.

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