🍁 Feelings 🍁

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Hoseok's POV

When I came out of the cafe, I immediately went to a place where I could feel at peace for a while. I went up the hill behind my elementary school. Whenever I feel angry or sad I always come here to find peace. I have never brought anyone here with me except Y/n. She is my best friend. We always share all our secrets. I really didn't know that I would ever fall in love with my best friend. I don't know when I fell in love with her. I always wanted to tell her my feelings but I never could because I didn't have enough courage at that time and when I got the courage to tell her my feelings it was too late. Because of my cowardice, I lost her forever to someone else. She is the first girl in my life. My first ever love.

I was sitting there burying my head on my knees when someone place a hand on my shoulder. I shot my head up and saw Y/n there with a smile on her face. She sits beside me and leans her head on my shoulder. She always sit like this in childhood whenever we came here. I love it when she leans her head on my shoulder. I feel good that she knows that I'm always here for her.

Y/n:- "What happened Hobi? You never react like this... In any situation. You never lose your calmness. Then what happened today?" She lifts her head and looks towards me. I didn't look in her eyes because I can't. If I will... She will definitely understand something is wrong and now I can't and will not tell her my feelings, my pain.

Hoseok:- "Nothing Y/n-ie you know me. I can't tolerate it if someone hurt you. I can't see you hurt." She immediately hugged my arm and again lean her head on my shoulder.

Y/n:- "I love you Hobi." My heartbeat stop at that time when she said three magical words, but I know that is not in a romantic way. She is saying to her best friend. But it's affecting me.

Hoseok:- *I love you too Y/n.* I said to myself. Because now I don't have the right to say it loud to her.

Y/n:- "I know you care about me... But Taehyung didn't do anything wrong. He is a nice person." I look towards her.

Hoseok:- "But his brother hurts you-"

Y/n:- "But he sacrificed his life for his family. Hobi, he married me to make right what his brother ruined. He saved both families' reputations by marrying me. How can you punish a person without fault..... And I agreed to this marriage. No one force me because I love my family and I don't want that because of anyone even because of me my family's reputation got ruined. Because for me family always comes first." She said with determination. I looked into her eyes but something was missing.

Hoseok:- "And what about love?" She chuckled.

Y/n:- "There is no place of love in my life now." I frown my eyebrows.

Hoseok:- "But why?" She looks towards me before answering.

Y/n:- "Because I can't take the risk of getting hurt. Forget all this and tell me... What do you want to tell me in the cafe."

Hoseok:- "A-Actually..... Yes! I am going to shift here." Y/n eyes sparkled with happiness.

Y/n:- "Really?" I smiled and nodded my head. She immediately jumped on him in excitement. "Yeah! I'm so happy."

Author's POV

Mr. and Mrs.Kim were sitting in the garden and sipping their tea. When Mrs.Kim said.

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