🍁 Crush 🍁

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Author's POV

Y/n, Beom, and IU were laughing and enjoying their coffee. IU was telling Beom how Y/n bored her by telling her about him which make Y/n shy. Beom takes her hand and caressed it.

Beom:- "I'm lucky to have her in my life." He said while staring into her eyes. Y/n smiled at the way he said it. She feels very happy. IU cleared her throat which makes both of them break the stares. They both look down in shyness.

IU:- "Please don't start your romance here. I will feel lonely." When Y/n heard that she hit her arm. "Ouch! What! I'm saying the truth." Then they all start laughing. Suddenly Y/n phone rings she check the I'd and it was from the hospital. She immediately picks up the call.

Y/n:- "Yes..... Okay, I'm coming." She disconnects the call and towards both of them. "I'm really sorry guys but I have to go there is an emergency in the hospital so I have to go." She stands up and Beom also stands up with her.

Beom:- "I'm also coming." She nodded her head and hug IU last time and start walking out of the cafe. When she was walking out of the cafe her shoulder bumped into someone.

Y/n:- "Sorry." She turn for a second and said and immediately run from there because of the emergency.

Taehyung's POV

I feel so tired so I came out of the company for having coffee. Although I don't like it very much, but sometimes I drink it to get rid of tiredness. There is a cafe in a short distance from my company. So I went there. When I was entering the cafe my shoulder bumped with a girl. She said sorry and went away hurriedly. I can't able to saw her. But I feel something weird but I shrugged off that feeling.

Taehyung:- "What the hell Taehyung only focuses on Y/n. She is the only one. Don't let yourself be distracted by any other girl." I scolded myself and went towards reception to order my coffee.


When Y/n and Beom leave for the hospital, I sit there to finish my coffee. I start scrolling through my phone. My gaze was on my phone when suddenly my gaze went upward and I saw Mr. Kim Taehyung. I going to work in his company. It's one of my dreams to work with him. He is my crush. When I saw him sitting at a short distance, I can't control my inner fangirl. So I went towards his seat.

IU:- "H..... Hello Taehyung-ssi." I said while stuttering. When he looks toward me. I feel like my soul left my body. How can someone be so perfect? I thought while looking at him.

Taehyung:- "Yes..... Do I know you?" His deep voice. Oh god! I don't know how I'm still alive after seeing him in front of my eyes. He snapped his fingers in front of me I flinched and came back to reality.

IU:- "Hey... I'm IU. I'm going to work with your company." He stands up and smiled. Omg, Kim Taehyung smiled at me.

Taehyung:- "Oh! I'm sorry IU-shi I didn't recognize you." He extends his hand for a handshake I slowly hold his hand. " Take a seat please." He said while pulling a chair for me. He is really a gentleman. I smiled at him and take a seat. Then he also sits.

IU:- "You said you didn't recognize me. Did you know me already?" I asked in curiosity. I want to know if he knows me or not. He smiled and look down.

Taehyung:- "Who doesn't know you? It's just you look different in real life." Omg, he knows me. Am I dreaming? But wait a minute what did he mean by I look different in real?

IU:- "How do I look different in real life?" I raise my eyebrows.

Taehyung:- "Oh! Please don't take this in a bad way. I mean you are more beautiful in real life." I blushed at his comment. He thinks I'm more beautiful in real life.

IU:- "Thanks." I tucked my hair behind my ears. "You also look more handsome in real life," I said while controlling my blushing. He chuckled and thanked me.

Y/n's POV

After 2 hours of successful operation, I walked out of the operation theatre. I feel so happy whenever I was able to save a life. I informed the patient's family about her well-being. After that, I came back to my cabin. When I came back I saw IU was sitting there already.

IU:- "Congratulations dr.Lee Y/n." She stands up and hugged me. I chuckled.

Y/n:- "Thank you..... What's the matter you are looking very happy." I said after broking the hug. She sit on the chair and I also went towards my chair and sit there.

IU:- "Today I met my crush." She said in an excited tone. I smiled at her excitement.

Y/n:- "Oh!!!!..... Who's the lucky guy? Tell me." I said in a teasing way. She blushed at my words. "Omg... What I'm seeing? My IU's who is so bold now blushing because of a guy." She slapped my hand and laughed.

IU:- "Shut up Y/n..... It's nothing like this." She said while still blushing.

Y/n:- "Okay. Now tell me his name. Do I know him? Did I meet him already?" She shook her head.

IU:- "No you didn't know him nor you met him. He is a model and the company I'm going work with is his company." I gasped at her information.

Y/n:- "Ooooo..... That's why you accept that offer without thinking twice." I tease her more.

IU:- "Please Y/n it's not like that." She again blushed.

Y/n:- "But why didn't you tell me before? I told you everything about Beom and you hide from me." I said in an angry tone.

IU:- "I'm sorry my baby for not telling you. But I thought it was just a crush... But when today I met him in person. I think I like him." After saying that she immediately hides her face in her hands.

Y/n:- "Omg... I'm so happy for you, but now tell his name." I asked impatiently. She remove her hand from her face and smiled.

IU:- "His name is..... K-" She was about to tell me his name but my phone rang. I take the call.

Y/n:- "I'm sorry IU. I have to go now." I run from there in a hurry........



𝑰 𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒇.

𝑺𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 🤗🤗🤗

𝑺𝒆𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒊𝒏 𝒏𝒆𝒙𝒕 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 🤗🤗🤗

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