🍁 Tragedy 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

I start driving fast after hearing about Y/n's accident. Tears were flowing from my eyes. I'm just praying to God to please make her safe. I don't want to lose her. I hurriedly enter the hospital. I run towards the operation theatre. When I reached there, I saw IU and Jungkook, and Y/n's parents. IU was crying and Jungkook was trying to calm her down. Her parents were also crying. I went towards them.

Taehyung:- "How is she now?" I ask slowly.

IU:- "She is still in the OT." She was sobbing silently. Jungkook put a hand on her shoulder. I sit near Mr. Lee and he put his hand on my shoulder.

Mr. Lee:- "Don't worry Taehyung..... She is a fighter." I nod my head.

After 1 hour the doctor came out of the OT. We stands up and went towards them. I was just praying that she just doesn't give any bad news.

Taehyung:- "Doctor...... How is she now?" I ask nervously.

Doctor:- "What is your relation with her?" She said seriously.

Mr. Lee:- "He is her soon-to-be husband. Kim Taehyung." Mr. Lee reply. She nodded.

Doctor:- "Come with me I want to discuss with you something." Her tone was really serious. I become scared.

IU:- "But doctor please at least tell us... Is she fine or not?" IU asks in her broken voice.

Doctor:- "She is fine... But there is something which you all need to know." IU sighed in relief.

Taehyung:- "I'll come with you doctor." She nodded and I follow her to the cabin.

Doctor:- "Sit." She said and I sit in front of her.

Taehyung:- "Doctor.... Is there anything serious?" She sighs deeply and put her hand on the table.

Doctor:- "Look Mr. Kim... The accident was very big. But thank god she survived but." She paused which makes my heart beat fasten.

Taehyung:- "But what doctor?" I ask desperately.

Doctor:- "But her lower part got hit by something which damage her Uterus and because of that........ She will not be able to conceive in the future." When the doctor tells me that I don't feel the ground under my feet. She gave me the biggest shock of my life. I really don't know how to feel about it. I don't know how others will react after knowing this... I don't know how Y/n will react after this. I put myself together and ask her.

Taehyung:- "How.... How is she? Is she out of danger?" Doctor nodded.

Doctor:- "She is fine..... But she is a little weak. This accident makes her weak. So you have to take care of her." I said thanks to her and went outside. IU, Jungkook, and her parents were standing there in shock and I can tell by watching their reaction that they heard everything. Mrs. Lee was crying on her husband's shoulder. IU was also crying.

IU:- "Why it has to be with my Y/n? Why does God always give her pain?" She said while crying. Jungkook was about to come near me but I run away from there. I was not able to accept this.

Y/n:- "I also want kids Tae..... I also want to be the mother of your baby..... I hope I will fulfill your this dream."

I was crying. I was just running. I don't where I'm going and I really don't care. I just want to run away. After continuously running I reach the park. I sit there and start crying.

Taehyung:- "WHY!!!!!! Why did you do this to us... To Y/n..... Now how will I tell her about her condition? She will become broken again. Why did you snatch our happiness from us?" I complained while looking towards the sky.

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