🍁 Nightmare 🍁

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Author's POV

IU, Jungkook, and Taehyung take Y/n back home. Because the doctor said she is in trauma and it was best for her to stay between her loved ones, so they take her back home. When Mr. and Mrs. Lee got to know about what happened with Y/n. Mr. Lee immediately went to the police station and Mrs. Lee said thanks to Taehyung for saving her daughter. When she look at Y/n and saw her in that condition. Tears form in her eyes but she controls herself. IU didn't leave Y/n's side for a second. Mr. Lee also thank Taehyung.

Mr. Lee:- "Thank you so much Taehyung." He hugs Taehyung. Taehyung give him a small smile and broke the hug.

Taehyung:- "Please don't say thank uncle. I love her and I have to always keep her safe even if she doesn't love me back. I will always keep her safe and it's my fault... If I didn't leave her alone it's all didn't happen to her." He looks down in guilt. Mr. Lee smiles and patted his shoulder.

Mr. Lee:- "It's not your fault Taehyung. Please don't blame yourself and I'm happy that a guy like you is there for her and........ I approve you for her." Taehyung face lit up and he immediately hugged Mr. Lee. "But you have to promise that you will always keep her happy." He said in a serious tone after breaking a hug. Taehyung nodded.

At night IU was sleeping beside Y/n when suddenly Y/n start wiggling in her sleep.

Y/n:- "No... Please leave me..... Please don't touch me..... Please." IU immediately open her eyes and saw Y/n was mumbling in her sleep while crying. She was shivering very badly. IU tries to wake her.

IU:- "Y/n... What happened?.... Y/n I'm here please get up." She shakes her body to wake her up. Y/n suddenly open her eyes and when she saw IU she immediately sit on the bed and hug her. IU become more concerned for her.

Y/n:- "IU... Please save me..... He will..... He will hurt me ..... Please save me." She was sobbing very hard. IU caressed her hair and try to calm her down.

IU:- "Ssshhhh!..... No one will hurt you Y/n. I'm here with you. He can't come here. You are safe." She try to break the hug but Y/n didn't let her go, so she wait till she fell asleep. After a few minutes when Y/n fell asleep, IU slowly put her head on the pillow and pull the duvet on her and she also laid down with her. She didn't sleep for a second and take care of Y/n.

Taehyung was in his room and getting ready for the office when his sister enter the room.

Jiso:- "Taehyung how's Y/n now?" It's been a week since Y/n didn't talk much to anyone. She starts reversing herself. She didn't talk much more now, Whenever Taehyung tries to talk to her she replies shortly. Taehyung every day went to her house to meet her but she never talk to him much more. He always tries to make her laugh by telling her his dead jokes but she never laughs. She always stays in her room. Taehyung deep sighs before replying.

Taehyung:- "She still didn't recover from the incident noona. She didn't talk to anyone like before. I don't know what to do to make her talk like before. To make her smile Y/n like she was before." Sadness is clear in his voice. Jiso went to her little brother and put her hand on his shoulder.

Jiso:- "It's okay Tae..... Give her some time. It's not easy for her...... If you don't mind, I want to meet her." Taehyung looks at her and smiles slowly.

Taehyung:- "Of course noona, it will be great if you meet her." Then he stand up and went downstairs with her sister.

Y/n's POV

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