🍁 An Unknown Feeling 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

I didn't understand why she walked away suddenly. I was about to stop her but Somi stopped me.

Somi:- "Let's go Tae." I can talk to her later. Me and Somi met after so many years so, I decided to go with her.

Taehyung:- "Let's go." Then we left from there.

Y/n's POV

I directly went to Hobi. I don't know why but I didn't like when Taehyung hug that girl. When he hug her I just want to rip them apart and what Taehyung said to her she is more beautiful than me. How can he say that to her in front of me?

I knock on the door of the Hobi's cabin and went inside. I saw him sitting on the chair. When he looked upward, a smile crept on his face. He stands up from his chair and walks towards me.

Hoseok:- "Hyy Y/n-ie." He said and hugged me. I hugged him back.

Y/n:- "Hyy Hobi." We broke the hug.

Hoseok:- "What happened?" He suddenly asked me. I look at him with a questionable expression.

Y/n:- "Huh?" He sighs deeply and makes me sit on the couch with him.

Hoseok:- "I can tell by looking at your face that something is bothering you..... So don't need to hide from me .....tell me." I looked at him with wide eyes.

Y/n:- "How always do you get to know that something is bothering me?" He looked down and smiled and again look at me.

Hoseok:- "I know you from childhood and I know when you are happy and when you are sad. So, now tell me." I shook my head and sighed.

Y/n:- "I don't know Hobi." Then I tell him all the things which happened. Hobi looks at me while smiling. I frown my eyebrows. "What? Why are smiling? " He shook his head.

Hoseok:- "Nothing..... I can see that someone is feeling jealous." I become confused by that.

Y/n:- "Jealous......and me." I scoffed. "Why I will be jealous? " He turned me towards him.

Hoseok:- "Then why are you being grumpy? " I look at his face blankly.

He is right, why am I affected by their closeness? Why am I feeling like this? Am I really jealous? But why I will? It's not like I'm in love with him or I am. I shrugged that thought off my mind.

Y/n:- "I'm not jealous Hobi. Okay!" And I walked away from there.

Hoseok's POV

She stands up and walked away. I smiled and shook my head.

Hoseok:- "Deny as much as you want Y/n. You can't run away from this. You are being jealous. I can see your heart is opening for love again. I'm happy for you." I said to myself and I went again to work.

Taehyung's POV

After spending some time with Somi and Wonwoo I came back to the office. I was heading towards my cabin. When my eyes fell on Y/n's cabin so, I thought to go inside so I knocked but I didn't get any response from her. When I enter I saw there is no one. I become confused.

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