🍁 Miseries 🍁

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Seo-Joon's POV

I was in my hotel room resting my head on the sofa with closed eyes. I was thinking about my baby sister. I'm missing her. I was out of the country for some business work so I can't able to meet her. She is my life. I love her so much. I can't see her hurt but now I'm relieved because I know Taehyung will never hurt her. He is perfect for my little witch. I was smiling thinking about both of them when my phone rang. I check the I'd and it was Yoongi. I hurriedly pick the call up.

Seo-Joon:- "Hey Yoongi...... How are you?" I asked excitedly but my all happiness fade away when Yoongi tell me about Taehyung and Y/n. The phone slipped out of my hand and I immediately pack everything and leave for the airport. My Y/n-ie please be alright. If anything happened to you what will I do? Tears were flowing from my eyes.

Jin's POV

I immediately reached the hospital when Wonwoo told me about Y/n and Taehyung's accident. I walked towards Operation Theatre. When I went there I saw Somi and Wonwoo there. Wonwoo was hugging and crying Somi. I went to them and put my hand on Wonwoo's shoulder. He look towards me and broke a hug with Somi and immediately hugged me.

Wonwoo:- "Hyung...... Taehyung." He starts crying in my arms. I was holding my tear. I have to be strong. I rubbed his back.

Jin:- "Don't worry Wonwoo. They both will be fine. " I broke the hug and wipe his tears. I already inform Yoongi and all the family members. I just hope they both will be fine.

After a few minutes, Yoongi came with Mr and Mrs. Park and Hoseok.

Mrs. Park:- "Where is my daughter? How did all this happen?" She was crying and Mr.Park was consoling her while he was also crying silently.

Yoongi:- "I have informed Seo-joon hyung. He is on the way." He had also tears in his eyes. After a few minutes, Aunty and Uncle also came with Namjoon. They were also crying. Aunty came and hugged Mrs. Kim. On the other hand, Somi was also in shock. We all were waiting for the doctor. Hoseok was walking here and there. He was trying not to break in tears and I can understand his feelings. We all are praying for their well-being.

Author's POV

All the family members were sitting there. Praying for them. But little did they know that their prayers will not be fulfilled.

Inside the Operation theatre doctors were doing their best to save them. But suddenly Taehyung and Y/n's heartbeat start dropping. The doctor got panicked and try to make their heartbeat normal.

Jin was waiting when suddenly doctors came out. Hoseok saw doctors and immediately run towards them.

Hoseok:- "Doctor how's they are now?" The doctor looks down which concern Hoseok and everybody. Hoseok jerks the doctor's body. "Tell me, doctor...... They are fine now right!" Jin pulled back Hoseok towards him.

Jin:- "Please doctor your silence is killing us. Please say something." He asked softly.

Doctor:- "I'm sorry Mr. Kim...... We tried our best to save them but due to excessive loss of blood we can't save them." They all become really shocked. Suddenly a sound came like someone falling on the ground they all turn around and saw Mrs. Park was fainted because of shock.

They all immediately went to her and take her to the room except Hoseok who was standing there like a statue. His face has a blank expression. His heart was not believing that his best friend Y/n has gone. Everybody was shocked. All were crying they didn't believe that Taehyung and Y/n have gone. When they were mourning for them Seo-joon came running. When he reached there he saw Hoseok standing there silently. He was praying in his heart that his little sister and Brother-in-law are safe. He slowly went near him and put his hand on Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok flinched at the sudden touch. When he saw Seo-joon he can't able to control his tears. He hugged him and start crying. Seo-joon becomes so scared.

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