🍁 Jealousy 🍁

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Author's POV

Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Y/n all went to a restaurant to have lunch. Jimin time to time turn his gaze towards Taehyung and by Taehyung's face, it is clear that he didn't like that Hoseok join them with lunch. He was feeling very annoyed. Taehyung wants to sit with Y/n but Hoseok went beside Y/n first and poor Taehyung has to sit with Jimin. When the waiter comes to take their order. Jimin and Taehyung give their order and Hoseok order for Y/n and himself.

Jimin:- "Wow Hoseok you know Y/n very well." He said intentionally to increase his jealousy. And when he look towards Taehyung and saw his plan is going well.

Hoseok:- "Of course, I'm his best friend. I know her very well." He look towards Y/n and smiled.Y/n also smile back.

Y/n:- "You know Jimin in childhood me and Hobi always stay together. He always stays by my side. Makes me smile whenever I feel sad." Taehyung clenched his fist under the table.

After finishing their lunch they all came back to the office.

Hoseok:- "Taehyung!" He called his name from behind. Y/n and Jimin were already gone from there. Only Hoseok and Taehyung were left there alone. Taehyung turns around.

Taehyung:- "What happened?" Hoseok looks down before saying anything.

Hoseok:- "Actually... I want to apologize for my last time behavior. I know I shouldn't talk to you like that. Y/n told me everything. I'm sorry." Taehyung smiled at him.

Taehyung:- "It's okay hyung. If I were in your place I must have also reacted like you. So it's totally fine. But I hope now we are okay."

Hoseok:- "We are but if you hurt my Y/n like your brother... I also don't know what will I do to you. So be careful and don't ever try to hurt her feelings." Taehyung nodded and Hoseok left from there. Taehyung also went from there.

When he was passing from Y/n's cabin. He saw Jimin was flirting with Y/n. He went to them.

Taehyung:- "What is happening here?" They both looked toward him.

Jimin:- "Nothing... I'm just telling her how beautiful she is and Suho hyung will regret this." Y/n gives him a sweet smile.

Taehyung:- "Jin hyung is calling you."

Jimin:- "Oh really." Jimin knows that Taehyung is lying. But he didn't say anything and went away. Y/n went back to her work.

Taehyung:- "Y/n!" She looked at him.

Y/n:- "Yes!"

Taehyung:- "What did he say to you?"

Y/n:- "He was just joking around. He is such a cute guy." She said while smiling. Taehyung liked the way she smile.

Taehyung:- "Please smiled often. You look very pretty while smiling." Y/n blushed at his comment.

After working when they return home. Jimin also came with them which make Taehyung annoyed. They all have their dinner and then all sit together.

Mrs.Kim:- "So Jimin. How's your mom and dad doing?" She asks while putting ice-creams on the table.

Jimin:- "They are doing well Aunty."

Mrs.Kim:- "Good." They all take their ice cream one by one.

Jimin:- "Y/n you like this flavor?" He said in shock.

Y/n:- "Yes! Why?"

Taehyung:- "Because he didn't like that flavor." He said while taking a bite of his ice cream.

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