🍁 Together Forever 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

I'm so happy today because today is the day when my love will become mine forever. I'm standing in the church waiting for my bride. Jungkook is standing beside me as my best man. I'm feeling various emotions. I'm happy and nervous at the same time. After that accident, I thought that I will lose Y/n but I was able to convince her. She is sad because of that but I told her that I'm with her always. I was in my thoughts when Jungkook tap my shoulder and pointed towards the church entrance and there is my beautiful bride in her wedding gown. I literally feel like my heartbeat stop for a minute. I start feeling butterflies in my stomach. I can't take off my eyes from her. Tears start forming in my eyes to see her in that gown. Her father walks her down the aisle. He gives her hand to mine.

Dad:- "Please take care of my princess. She is very precious to me." He controls his tears. I slowly smile.

Taehyung:- "Don't worry Dad. I will take care of her very well. She is precious to me also." Y/n looks towards me and smiles.

Y/n's POV

I really can't believe that the day has come. Even after knowing about my infertility. Taehyung didn't leave me. He is marrying me. The respect and love for him in my heart increased because of that. And the way his parents accept me. I feel lucky to have them in my life. I can't control my tears after seeing him. He takes my hand and promises to Dad that he will take care of me and I know he will.

We were standing in front of each other. We Both have tears in our eyes. IU is standing beside me as my bridesmaid. Then the priest starts saying vows and he finally asks us.

Priest:- "Do you take Lee Y/n as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" Taehyung looks towards me and answers.

Taehyung:- I do." Then he slides the ring on her ring finger. I smile with my tears.

Priest:- "Do you take Kim Taehyung as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" I look towards Taehyung before taking the vow.

Y/n:- "I do." I also slide the ring on his ring finger. He gives me his boxy smile. I promise I will always keep you happy like this.

Priest:- "I declare you both husband and wife. May god bless you both... Now you may kiss the bride." We both smile and he leans towards me. I tiptoed and start leaning close to him and finally, we seal our marriage with a kiss. He kisses me slowly and I also respond to his kiss slowly. Then we broke the kiss and the guest and our family cheered for us. Taehyung looks toward me and immediately engulfs me in a hug.

After 3 year

Y/n:- "Taehyung I'm feeling really nervous." He sighs and holds me by my shoulders.

Taehyung:- "Relax jagiya...... Everything will be fine." I take a deep breath.

Y/n:- "But what if she deny to accept us and if I will not able to love her like my own child? I'm scared Tae." I start crying. Taehyung hug me immediately.

Taehyung:- "Don't say it like this love." He broke the hug and look into my eyes. "I know you will be a great mother to her. And this thing you also said to me but you love me very much... Right?" I nodded my head. "Then I'm sure you will also love her. And she will not reject us. I ask Mina and she said. Aera is more than happy after knowing that she will have her own family." I don't why I am feeling nervous.

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