🍁 Accepting Love 🍁

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Author's POV

Taehyung takes Y/n towards the waterfall where he takes her earlier. He softly pulls her in front of him.

Y/n:- "Why did you bring me here?" She asks while raising her right eyebrow. Taehyung folds his arms into his chest.

Taehyung:- "First you tell me why you behaving like this?" Y/n tilts her head.

Y/n:- "Behaving like what?" Taehyung went behind her and whispered into her ear.

Taehyung:- "Like you are jealous." Y/n immediately turn around and their faces were a few inches away from each other.

Y/n:- "Because I'm." She said while holding Taehyung's collar and pulling towards her. Taehyung was very shocked by Y/n's bold move. A smirk appeared on his face.

Taehyung:- "So you are accepting that you are jealous." He holds her wrist and frees his collar from her grasp.

Y/n:- "Yes... I know this feeling... I know what I'm feeling for you. But I don't want to accept it." She turns her back to him. Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows and went in front of her.

Taehyung:- "Why Y/n? What's stopping you from accepting my love?" Taehyung take her chin and made her look towards him.

Y/n:- "I'm afraid Taehyung.... What if I will not able to love you like you love me? What if I'm not able to move on from Beom? And most important.... What if you leave me like Be-" she couldn't able to complete her sentence. Taehyung made her Shut up with his lips. Taehyung was kissing her very passionately. At first, Y/n becomes very shocked but after a few minutes, she couldn't able to control herself and she closes her eyes and she also starts kissing him back. The kiss was very passionate. Taehyung was showing his love with the kiss. Their lips were moving in sync. Taehyung hold her waist and pull her towards him. Y/n also warped her arms around her neck and she tiptoed to match Taehyung's height. They both deepen the kiss. After a few minutes more of kissing they both broke the kiss. Y/n looks down in embarrassment. Her cheeks became red like a tomato. Taehyung cups her cheeks.

Taehyung:- "I'm... Not sorry for this kiss Y/n. I love you and I can't permit anyone to doubt my love for you... Not even you. Because my love is very deep and real Y/n. How can you think that I will leave you when I found you very hardly." Y/n becomes confused.

Y/n:- "What do you mean by you found me very hardly?" Taehyung kisses her forehead and in response, Y/n closed her eyes while feeling the warmth of his love.

Taehyung:- "You didn't know Y/n... I was searching for you for many years. I don't know if you will believe me or not but when I turn 18 you start coming in my dreams." Y/n eyes widened at his words. "I really don't know what's the reason for your coming into my dreams. But every time you appeared in my dreams, I feel a weird connection. I feel like I know you for a long time. I feel like -"

Y/n:- "We are connected from the past." Y/n completes Taehyung's words. Taehyung nods his head.

Taehyung:- "Yes... I know you will think of me as a weirdo but I fell in love with you from my dreams. You are my dream girl. The love of my life. I searched for you everywhere, but I can't able to find you. Because of that sometimes I thought if you are a real person or not..... But when I saw you in the hospital. I can't tell you how happy I was at that time. I feel like I found my soul." Y/n was not saying anything. She was just looking at Taehyung. Taehyung pulls her in a hug. He hugs her tightly like she will disappear if he let her go. "Please Y/n don't run away from me. I really love you. Please just give me a chance. Please." Sincerity is visible in his voice. Y/n's heartbeat fastens. The words of the guiding spirit came into her mind. That's why she accepts that she is jealous and what she feels for him. When Taehyung broke the hug Y/n was in tears in his eyes. Y/n becomes shocked to see him crying.

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