🍁 A Lie 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

I was enjoying lunch with Y/n when suddenly I saw Ms.Shin entering the restaurant. My smile dropped. I panicked internally. We had finished our lunch and Y/n was about to stand up when I saw Ms.Shin noticed me. Nothing came to mind to get rid of her so, I suddenly hold Y/n's hand. I'm sure she must have been taken aback by my action. She was about to jerk my hand when I saw Ms.Shine start coming towards us.

Taehyung:- "Baby... We had a great time today. Thank you so much for spending time with me." I said and kissed the back of her hand. I saw her eyes widen. *I'm sorry Y/n but I have no option..... I hope you will forgive me.*

Y/n:- "Wh-" Before Y/n could say something Ms.Shin interrupt her

Ms.Shin:- "How can you do this to me Taehyung." I pretend like I didn't see her early.

Taehyung:- "Oh!..... Ms.Shin..... Hello... Baby this is Ms.Shin my business partner and Ms.Shin she Y/n my soon-to-be wife." I can see Y/n eyes were ready to come out and Ms.Shin was standing there being mad.

Ms.Shin:- "Y-you are getting married." She asked sadly.

Y/n:- "N-" Y/n was about to deny but before she can say anything I cut her off.

Taehyung:- "Yes Ms.Shin ...... I'm getting married to the love of my life next month." I said and again kissed her hand. Ms.Shin start tearing up and didn't feel guilty at all. She stomp her leg and left from there. I sighed and looked down in relief. *Thank god she is gone.* I thought. I heard Y/n clear her throat. I looked up and laugh nervously. She looks at the hand that I was holding. I release her hand.

Y/n:- "Care to explain?" She said while folding her arms.

Taehyung:- "I-I'm sorry Y/n-ssi...... I lied because Ms.Shin is my business partner. She always flirts with me and getting rid of her I told her that I have a girlfriend but she didn't believe me. And when she entered the restaurant I already saw her and no other idea came to my mind so I introduced you as my soon-to-be wife to her and I'm sure now she will stop flirting..... I'm sorry again." I explain everything and looked down.

Y/n:- "But why don't you like her? She is pretty." She said and I looked at her.

Taehyung:- "Maybe...... But she is not the one for whom I'm waiting... I'm not the type of guy who will flirt with anyone. I'm waiting for my girl which is written in my 'destiny' ." I said and saw her looking towards me smilingly.

Y/n:- "I didn't know that you believe in destiny and all..... But I hope that you will find her soon." She place her hand top mine and smiled. I smiled back.

Taehyung:- "I hope you forgive me for my action." I said she chuckled.

Y/n:- Of course...... Now I have to go meet soon bye." She stands up. She was about to go when I stopped her.

Taehyung:- "Y/n-ssi!" She stopped and turn around.

Y/n:- "Yes Taehyung-ssi?"

Taehyung:- "Friends?" I extend my hand towards her for a handshake and said. She look towards my hands and a smile formed on her lips.

Y/n:- "Friends!" She takes my hand for a handshake before saying.

Y/n's POV

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