🍁 A Chance 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

My secretary told me that Seo-joon hyung and Yoongi hyung has come here and went to meet Y/n so, I went to Y/n's cabin to meet them.

I was about to knock on the door when I hear Y/n saying that she will never fall in love ever again. I feel really sad because of hyung she will never be able to love again. I feel hurt because I like her. Yes, I like her. Before I was stopping my feelings for her because she was going to marry hyung but now she is married to me. And eomma always said that whatever happened in life all has its meaning. It's meant to happen. It's written in our DESTINY. But I can't and I will not force her.

Author's POV

Taehyung was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice that Yoongi was standing in front of him. Yoongi snaps his fingers in front of his face. Taehyung flinched.

Taehyung:- "Hyung when you came?"

Yoongi:- "When you were lost in your world." He said and folded his arms to his chest. "What were you thinking?"

Taehyung:- "Nothing hyung"

Yoongi:- "Y/n is hurt Taehyung...... She said that she will not trust in love now. But I don't want her to close her heart for love, for you." Taehyung shot his toward Yoongi.

Taehyung:- "What?" He asked in shock.

Yoongi:- "I know Taehyung you both got married in very strange circumstances. But you both are married now. So please I want both of you to give a chance to this marriage. And I know she will not listen to me because she is very hurt and now she didn't want to hurt again that's why I want you to make an effort in this marriage. Win her trust, and make her believe in love again." He patted his shoulder after that he left.

Taehyung thinks about that. He looks towards Y/n through the window who is talking to her brother.

Taehyung:- "Hyung is right..... I have to make her believe in love again..... Because now she is my wife and I will not let her be broken. I will heal her broken heart." Then he went from there.

Y/n was checking all the files when she hear a knock on the door. She turn her gaze from the file to check who came.

Y/n:- "Taehyung?" She looked at him.

Taehyung:- "Let's go home. It's time to go. Appa went with a business partner for dinner. So it's only you and me so, let's go." Y/n check time.

Y/n:- "Sorry..... I didn't check the time. Just give me one minute..... Just one file then." Taehyung went near her and close her file. She looks at him in confusion.

Taehyung:- "No...... No more one file. It's time to go home so, I will not allow you to do work after office hours." She sighs in defeat and stands up. Then they both went home.

In the car they both were silent. Taehyung was driving. Y/n looks towards him saying.


Taehyung:- "Yes!"

Y/n:- "I want to say something."

Taehyung:- "What?" He asked without turning his gaze from the road.

Y/n:- "Taehyung..... I know I agree with this marriage thing with you but -" Taehyung suddenly step on the break. He turns his gaze towards her.

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