🍁 Meeting With Parents 🍁

818 46 14

Author's POV

Y/n came out of the operation theatre after doing a successful operation. She thanked the other doctors and went towards her cabin when Dr. Lee Suk stop her from behind.

Y/n:- "Yes what happened Dr. Lee Suk?" Dr. Lee Suk is her friend also. They talk to each other without knowing that someone inside the cabin was feeling really jealous. Dr. Lee Suk give her a side hug and went away. Y/n also came inside her cabin and found an angry Taehyung. Y/n smile.

Y/n:- "Oh Tae.... What are you doing here?" Taehyung glared at her.

Taehyung:- "Oh so I can't come to meet you." Y/n becomes confused at his grumpy behavior.

Y/n:- "What happened Tae? Why are sounding like you are angry?" She stands in front of him.

Taehyung:- "Because I am... Why do you let other men touch you?" Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

Y/n:- "What are-" She stopped in the middle when she realized about what Taehyung is talking. She sighs and shakes her head. "Oh god, Taehyung don't tell me you are feeling jealous." She said while taking steps towards her chair. Taehyung takes her wrist and pulls her towards him.

Taehyung:- "Yes I'm feeling jealous. Because I don't like when some other man touches you. You are mine..... Only I have the right to touch you..... Nobody else is allowed to touch you." Y/n chuckled at his possessive behavior and she peck his lips.

Y/n:- "Aigoo.... My Tae is feeling jealous...... Don't feel jealous Tae... He is just a friend and he has a girlfriend. And I'm all yours so don't feel jealous." Taehyung heartbeat fasten when he heard that. He was about to kiss her but she stops him. "Tae.... Someone will come." She said while pushing him softly.

Taehyung:- "No one will come." He again moves but Y/n put her hand on his chest and makes the distance between them.

Y/n:- "No...... And tell me why did you come here?" Taehyung sigh.

Taehyung:- "It's okay but you have to pay for this." Y/n laughed and nodded her head. "And I'm here to take you with me. Today we have to meet my parents." Y/n hit her forehead.

Y/n:- "Shoot! I totally forgot about that." Taehyung chuckled as he put his arm around her neck.

Taehyung:- "I knew it... That's why I came to take you with me." Y/n looks toward him and smiles. He Patt her head.


After getting ready Y/n went with Taehyung towards his house. Y/n was feeling very nervous. Even though she already met his parents but don't know why she was feeling very nervous and Taehyung noticed that, so he put his hand over her. Y/n looks at him. Taehyung just smile.

Taehyung:- "Don't get nervous Y/n." Y/n just nods her head.

Y/n:- "I don't know Tae why I'm feeling nervous..... And tell me am I looking good?" Taehyung shakes his head.

Taehyung:- "Oh god Y/n...... You are asking 100th time this question...... You are looking very pretty and you have already met them then why are you feeling like this." Y/n sigh.

Y/n:- "I know Tae.... But at that time I haven't met them as your girlfriend... I'm afraid that will they accept me or not." Taehyung stops the car.

Taehyung:- "Y/n they already accepted you... They know how much I love you, so stop thinking nonsense okay." Y/n nod her head.

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