🍁 Shopping 🍁

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Author's POV

Suho and Y/n's marriage date start coming near. So both families start the preparation for their children's marriage. Only 1 week was left before their marriage. So Mrs.Kim told Y/n to go shopping with Suho for their wedding attire and wedding rings. Y/n already arrived there. She was waiting for Suho. She was happy that she will meet Suho after so many days. Because Suho rarely meets her. After a few minutes of waiting a car arrived there. The car door opens revealing Taehyung. Y/n's smile dropped. She thought Suho will come but he didn't that make her sad.

Taehyung:- "Hey Y/n." He said and notice her sadness.

Y/n:- "Hello." She replied shortly.

Taehyung:- "Hyung wants to come but suddenly an urgent meeting came so, he didn't able to come that's why he send me." He lied to her actually Suho suddenly went somewhere without telling anyone and Taehyung didn't want to tell her the truth that's why he lied. Y/n gave her a fake smile and said.

Y/n:- "It's okay...... Work comes first. We will do shopping some other day." And she starts walking away when Taehyung stops her.

Taehyung:- "No! Eomma said we have to do shopping today because there is only 1 week left." He said.

Y/n:- "But wedding rings?"

Taehyung:- "We will choose that also." Then they both went inside.

Taehyung's POV

When hyung went somewhere without telling anyone. I went to Y/n for shopping. When she saw me instead of hyung, her smile dropped. I know she felt so disappointed. Her mood was already spoiled and I don't want to spoil her mood more so I forced her to shop with me. I tried to light her mood up.

Taehyung:- "You know Y/n eomma always wants a daughter so, she used to dress hyung and me in girly attire." I told her she chuckled.

Y/n:- "Really."

Taehyung:- "Really..... Hyung always protest but she didn't listen to him." I told her more things related to our childhood. We both start laughing.

Y/n:- "Thanks Taehyung." She suddenly said. I frowned my eyebrows.

Taehyung:- "Why?" I asked confusingly.

Y/n:- "I know you are just trying to light up my mood..... Thanks for that." She gives me a beautiful smile to me. I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

Then we went for her wedding dress.

Girl:- "Hello mam and sir. What are you looking for?" A girl came to us.

Taehyung:- "Actually we are looking for a wedding dress for her." She gives us a beautiful smile.

Girl:- "Come this way, sir and mam... We have a beautiful collection of wedding dresses for your soon to be wife." I was about to tell her trust but Y/n interrupt.

Y/n:- "Yes , sure..... Please show us your best collection of wedding dresses. Right, jagi?" When she called me Jagi my heart started pounding. She wraps her hand around my arm and leans on my shoulder. My eyes widened at her action. My heart is about to blast. Then we follow the girl. Y/n whispered in my ear.

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