🍁Will This Work?? 🍁

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Y/n's POV

Taehyung and Dr. Sora were talking and here I'm feeling very frustrated by their giggles. What the hell Y/n? Why are you behaving like this? Don't think too much. But why and what she is talking about with him? No, I shouldn't be concerned about that. I was lost in my thoughts when Dr. Song call me for work. Last time I move my gaze toward them and with her.

Taehyung's POV

I was standing peacefully when a girl approached me.

???:- "Hello Mr. Kim Taehyung." She smile and extended her hand. I take her hand.

Taehyung:- "Hello..... Do I know you?" She shakes her head.

???:- "No..... But I know you..... I'm your biggest fan. I ask Dr. Y/n about you but she said she didn't know you, so I came by myself." I become shocked. Why did she deny it? "By the way, I'm Dr. Bae Sora." I smile and nodded. Suddenly my gaze went toward Y/n. She was looking very angry while looking at us. A smirk crept on my face. Ooo so Miss Dr. Y/n is feeling jealous. Amazing..... Now maybe this Jealousy can help me to make her realize my love. I start talking to Dr. Sora. I can see Y/n. I know she must be in a dilemma. Then a doctor came to her and she last time look at us and went with her. I immediately excused myself from Dr. Sora and went to IU and Jungkook.

Taehyung:- "GUYS!" I said excitedly.

IU:- "Oh god Taehyung. You scared me." She put her hand on her chest. I shake my head.

Jungkook:- "What happened hyung? Why are you so excited? Did Y/n say yes to you?" He said jokingly. I sigh.

Taehyung:- "I wish..... But I got an idea." I said happily.

IU & Jungkook:- "What?" They both asked in unison.

Taehyung:- "A moment ago a doctor came to me and she told me that she ask Y/n about me and she denied it. At first, I become confused that why she denied but when I saw that Y/n was standing in the distance with a Jealousy face. I understand everything." I explained everything to them.

IU:- "You mean she is jealous to see you with another girl." I nodded my head.

Jungkook:- "But what's the idea?" I smiled.

Taehyung:- "We will make her feel jealous." IU nodded at my idea but Jungkook interrupted.

Jungkook:- "But will this work? What if she becomes more distant from you? " I thought for a second. Jungkook is right what if she will think that I stop loving her?

IU:- "I don't think so... Because jealousy is that thing that a person can't bear." IU is also right.

Taehyung:- "But do you think she loves me?" IU smiled and put her hand on my shoulder.

IU:- "She is my best friend. I know her very well. She loves you but didn't realize it yet. Your care and love make her fall for you but she just didn't realize yet, So to make her realize that she loves you it's important to make her feel jealous."

Taehyung:- "Okay so making Y/n jealous mission start." Then left from there.


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