🍁 Betrayal 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

I was going towards my room when I heard hyung talking with someone on the phone.

Suho:- "Yes baby........ Don't worry... Yes, we will meet...... I love you too Ara." I become shocked because I thought he was talking with Y/n but no he was talking with his ex-girlfriend. I furiously enter his room and snatch his phone.

Taehyung:- "Don't ever try to call on this number. Understand!" I cut the call hyung looked at me in anger.

Suho:- "How dare you Taehyung?"

Taehyung:- "How dare You hyung? How can you do this to Y/n? Tomorrow is your wedding with Y/n and here you are talking to your ex and not only talking say I love you? Did you know what are you doing?" I shouted at him. Suddenly he hugged me and start crying.

Suho:- "I'm sorry Taehyung.....I don't want to do this but Ara threatened me. She said if I didn't come back to her she will give fake pictures of me and her to Y/n. And I don't want Y/n to misunderstand me, so I agreed with her. But trust me I don't have any intention to cheat on Y/n. I planned to her tell everything after marriage. Trust me I am just pretending to Ara that I came back to her." He explained everything. I feel very pity for him. I patted his shoulder.

Taehyung:- "Then why didn't you tell me hyung about this before?"

Suho:- "I don't want you to take any type of stress. I want to solve this matter by myself. I request you please don't tell anyone about this." I nodded my head he again hugged me.

Suho:- "Thank you Tae." Then I came out of his room.

Author's POV

When Taehyung left Suho's room. Suho's crying face turns into a smirk.

Suho:- "Oh my little brother...... How naive you are...... I tell you a fake story and you believe that story." He said while wiping his fake tears and start laughing.

Suho:- "I'm sorry my little brother but I don't love Y/n. I just love my Ara and I will marry her only." He said and called someone.

Y/n's POV

I was standing in front of my mirror and thinking about my life with Suho. I can't believe that tomorrow I will get married. I never think about getting married before. But I am happy that I agreed to marry Suho. He is a very good person. I hope I will not give him a reason to regret this marriage. I just hope we will have a happy married life ahead.

Y/n:- "Aish! Pabo Y/n go and sleep or else tomorrow you will look like a zombie at your wedding." I scold myself and went to bed. Tonight is my last night in my bedroom. I will miss this room where I spend my childhood.

Seo-Joon's POV

I was sitting in the lobby with Yoongi and thinking about tomorrow.

Yoongi:- "Why are you looking worried hyung?" He asked in a worried tone. I shake my head before speaking.

Seo-Joon:- "I don't know Yoongi but I feel like something is going to happen tomorrow. I have a very bad feeling." He places his hand on my shoulder.

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