🍁 A Good Day 🍁

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Author's POV

It's a new morning Y/n was sleeping peacefully without knowing that Taehyung was staring at her. Suddenly Y/n started moving Taehyung panicked he put his hand on her waist and close his eyes. When Y/n open her eyes she saw Taehyung again holding her while sleeping. She became used to it but she didn't know that this time Taehyung was just pretending to sleep. She sighs and tries to remove his hand from her but because Taehyung is just pretending it's hard for her to remove his hand. Taehyung was controlling his smile. Instead of removing his hand from her he snuggled more into her and make his grip more tight. Y/n being clueless from Taehyung's acting she was trying not to wake him up. After a few minutes of struggling she decides to wake him up.

Y/n:- "Taehyung... Taehyung please wake up." Taehyung fake groaned and open his eyes. "Finally you woke up. Now please will you let me go or else we will get late for breakfast." Taehyung acts surprised.

Taehyung:- "Oh! I'm sorry Y/n." Taehyung makes a fake sad face. Y/n sigh.

Y/n:- "It's okay we can't change our habits... But now can you." She said while indicating his hands.

Taehyung:- "Oh!" Then he remove his hand and she went inside the bathroom to get ready. Taehyung again laid down in bed. "Soon to cuddle you I will not have to pretend to sleep." He said while smiling.


They both went to the dining table and all start eating.

Mr.Kim:- "Taehyung what about Mr.Han's deal?" Taehyung looks toward his father.

Taehyung:- "Appa they are coming today for a meeting. Today we will seal the deal." His father smile and nodded his head.

Jin:- "Tae... Me and Namjoon going to meet Mr.Lee, so we are going already. We will directly meet you at the office." Taehyung nodded and they left for the meeting. After having their breakfast they also left for the office.

Y/n and Taehyung went near their car. Before Y/n could open the car's door Taehyung open the door for her. She was shocked at his behavior but she didn't say anything. Taehyung happily went to the driving seat and start driving.

Y/n:- "Taehyung we ha-

Taehyung:- "Tae." She looked at him confusingly. "I told you yesterday I like it when you call me Tae. So please call me Tae." Y/n becomes shy.

Y/n:- "Tae." She said while looking at him and Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung:- "That's better." She shook her head.

Y/n:- "Mr.Han is coming and I call Mingyu he prepared everything." Taehyung nodded.

Few minutes of driving they reach the company. They both directly went to the meeting room where Mr.Han was waiting for them.

Hoseok's POV

I came to meet Seo-joon and Yoongi hyung. I was about to knock on the door when I heard both of them talking.

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