🍁 Wedding 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

After coming out of Y/n's room I went downstairs and sit with Mr. and Mrs. Lee. IU was also sitting with them.

IU:- "Did she talk to you?" She asked with hope. I shake my head and she became sad. Mrs. Lee Patt her shoulder.

Mrs. Lee:- "Don't worry IU she will recover soon so don't worry." I can see IU is very worried for her best friend. I just hope noona can convince her.

Mr. Lee:- "Taehyung how's your father?" He suddenly asked.

Taehyung:- "He is good Mr. Lee and one thing... You are invited to the wedding of noona. She is getting married in three days." He smiled.

Mr. Lee:- "Oh really..... It's great." I nodded.

Taehyung:- "Yes..... Appa especially sends the invitation for the wedding, so you have to come."

Mr. Lee:- "Of course... I just hope Y/n also comes with us."

Y/n:- "I will Dad." We all turn around and saw Y/n coming downstairs with noona. A big smile crept on my face. I look towards noona and she also smiles.

IU:- "Finally you came out of your room." She went towards her and hug her. She take her towards the sofa and made her sit.

Y/n:- "I'm sorry to trouble you all." She looks down. Mrs. Lee sits beside her and patted her head.

Mrs. Lee:- "What are you saying Y/n? You can never trouble us. I'm happy that you came out of the room." Noona stands beside me.

Taehyung:- "Thanks noona." I said while looking towards smiling Y/n. 

Jiso:- "Oh come on Tae. I'm happy that I can help her in any way." We look at each other and smile. 

Author's POV

Jiso was getting ready when she heard a knock on the door. She turn around, a big smile crept on her face. She stands up and went to the person.

Jiso:- "Finally you came..... I was waiting for you." She broke the hug.

Y/n:- "How do I not come? I'm your bridesmaid." They both chuckled. Then Jiso went again to the chair and the makeup artist start her makeup again. 

It's finally the day of Jiso's wedding. After that day Y/n start talking and smiling again. Jiso makes her understand and she is very happy now. Taehyung is also happy to see again that smiling Y/n. He always went to meet Y/n and they spend time together. Y/n feels good about Taehyung. Her parents are happy to see that. Taehyung takes care of her. Always call her to talk to her. That makes her feel special. Her heart flutters around Taehyung. He starts making a place in her heart.

Y/n sits near Jiso and watches her getting ready. After a few minutes, Mrs. Kim came there and she saw her daughter in her wedding dress her eyes start tearing up. Jiso went to her mother and hug her. Mrs. Kim broke the hug and cup her cheeks and kiss her forehead.

Mrs. Kim:- "You are looking so beautiful Jiso-ah." Tears were flowing from her eyes. Jiso also had tears in her eyes. She wipes her mother's tears.

Jiso:- "Please don't cry Eomma." Her mother again kisses her forehead. Y/n stands up from her seat and stands beside Jiso and holds her shoulders.

Y/n:- "Oh god Mrs. Kim please don't ruin her makeup and you should also not ruin your makeup as you are the bride's mother." They all chuckled. 

Taehyung:- "Eomma..... Appa is calling yo-" He stop in the middle when he saw her sister. He put his hand on his mouth. Jiso smile. "Omg is this really my noona who looks ugly in her normal clothes." Jiso gasp at his comment and hit his arms. Y/n giggled from behind.

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