🍁 I'm there for you 🍁

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Taehyung's POV

Me and Y/n came out of the cafe and as soon as we came out y/n started crying. I feel a pinch in my heart while seeing her in tears. I put my hand on her shoulder. She turns his face away and wipes her tears and then turns back to me.

Y/n:- "I'm sorry Taehyung..... I said that...." I put my finger on her lips. She stares into my eyes. I smiled and wiped her tears.

Taehyung:- "It's okay... I know you just said that just to stop him..... I understand that and as I said earlier I will prove my love, I will show you my love." I caress her left cheek. She holds my hand on her cheek.

Y/n:- "Thanks for understanding me Taehyung and I'm really sorry what I said inside." She looks down tears never leaving her eyes.

Taehyung:- "Y/n." I take her chin and made her look at me. "It's okay and I'm glad that I can help you in any way and always remember I'm there for you." She slowly smiles.

Y/n:- "Thanks once again Taehyung." She again thanked me for this girl. I shake my head.

Taehyung:- "Oh god Y/n will you please stop saying thank you." She chuckled and look down.

Y/n:- "Will please drop me at my home? Actually, IU takes me here." She said I immediately nod my head.

Taehyung:- "Of course..... Let's go." Then we leave from there. I drop her at her house and we bid bye. When I came back home I hurriedly went to eomma and hug her. After a month I came back.

Taehyung:- "I missed you so much Eomma." I said and kiss her cheek. She giggled and cup my cheeks and kiss my forehead.

Eomma:- "I missed you too my son. But where were you all the time after reaching here? Why didn't you come home first?" I hold my ears.

Taehyung:- "I'm so sorry Eomma but an important work came." I smiled while remembering Y/n.

Jiso:- "An important work or a person." I heard her voice from behind. I turn around and saw my noona standing there while crossing her arms. I run to her and hug her.

Taehyung:- "I missed you noona." I said and broke the hug but she immediately pinch my ear. And I whined in pain.

Jiso:- "Don't lie to me if you missed me then why didn't you pick up my call huh?" She said in an angry tone and pinch my ear more tightly.

Taehyung:- "Ouch, ouch...... Sorry noona..... Ouch..... I will... Tell you everything but first..... Ouch ... Let me go." She let go of my ear and I rubbed it.

Jiso:- "Now tell me." She folds her arms. I smiled and took her towards the couch and made her sit and I sit on the floor and put my head on her lap. She starts caressing my hair.

Eomma:- "You both talk to each other I'll say to the servant to prepare dinner." Then she went away.

Jiso:- "Now will you tell me why didn't you pick up my call?" I lift my head from her lap and look towards her. Then tell her everything.

Taehyung:- "I'm so happy noona. I still can't believe I confess my love to her." She ruffled my hair.

Jiso:- "I'm happy for you Tae. I know you will definitely make her fall for you." She wink at me and I hugged her.

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