🍁 Hurt 🍁

949 46 19

Author's POV

Y/n was sitting on the bed and IU was feeding her soup. IU was taking care of her like a mother. Y/n's mother also sitting beside her.

Y/n:- "IU..... I'm done.... I don't want to eat more." She whined IU glared at her.

IU:- "Y/n.... Finish this soup it's good for your health." Y/n sigh in defeat and start eating quietly. After that, she went towards the room. When she came out she saw Taehyung.

Taehyung:- "Hyy IU." He greets her.

IU:- "Hyy Taehyung." She said while smiling.

Taehyung:- "I think you should go back. Jungkook is waiting for you. And you need rest also. So please go and take a rest." She shakes her head slowly.

IU:- "I'm thinking about going and changing." Taehyung smiled and nodded. "By the way.... When you are going to tell her about that." Taehyung sigh.

Taehyung:- "I decided to tell her after marriage but Mom and noona said it will not be good if she got to know late. Maybe she will feel betrayed." IU nods her head in agreement.

IU:- "They are right Taehyung..... I also think like that..... I thought to tell her this but it will be better if you will tell her because I know you will handle her. Till then I will go home and I'll be back after changing." Taehyung nodded and went inside the room.

Taehyung:- "Hyy Y/n and Aunty...... How are you feeling now Y/n?" Y/n and her mother smile.

Y/n:- "I'm fine Taehyung..... Just my head and lower part are paining a little." Taehyung's smile shrink for a second but he smiled again.

Mrs. Lee:- "You both talk I'll come in a minute." Taehyung nod. She Patt his shoulder before going outside. Taehyung went beside Y/n and takes her hand.

Taehyung:- "Y/n.... I want to tell you something." He said nervously.

Y/n:- "Yes Tae.... What do you want to tell me?" Taehyung cups her left cheek in his hand.

Taehyung:- "First promise me... You will listen to me calmly." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

Y/n:- "Okay Tae..... But why are you looking tense..... What happened?" Y/n becomes nervous. She was feeling like something was not right. Taehyung takes a deep breath before saying anything.

Taehyung:- "The thing is... When you got into the accident." Y/n slowly nod her head. Taehyung closes his eyes and again takes a deep breath and again opens his eyes. "Doctor said that in an accident your lower part got hit really hard and because of that your..... Your uterus got damaged and..." He stops in the middle and an unknown fear takes place in her heart.

Y/n:- "And what Tae?" Taehyung again opens his mouth to speak.

Taehyung:- "And because of that... You will not able to.... Con.... Conceive in future." Tears start forming in her eyes. She moved her hand from Taehyung's hand. She felt just numb. Suddenly she starts breathing heavily. That makes Taehyung panicky. "Y/n! Y/n! Please take deep breaths. Doctor!" He tries to calm her down but nothing works. The doctor came and send him outside. He deny to leave her but the doctor forcefully sends him outside. After a few minutes, the doctor also came outside.

Doctor:- "She is fine now..... Just in a shock." Taehyung sighed in relief but that made him more worried for her.

Taehyung:- "Can I meet her?" The doctor shakes her head.

Doctor:- "Not now..... I give her anesthesia, so she is sleeping now. You can meet her when she gains consciousness. Till then let her rest." Taehyung nodded his head and the doctor went from there. He went near the window and saw her sleeping through the window.

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