🍁 Back To Normal 🍁

883 46 6

Author's POV

After so many days Y/n resumes her job. Everything become normal. Y/n's parents tried to convince her to give one chance to Taehyung but Y/n didn't listen to them. Taehyung always came to her house. Her father starts calling Taehyung his future son-in-law. Y/n was very shocked by their behavior.

After getting ready, Y/n came downstairs and saw Taehyung was already sitting there with her parents.

Y/n:- "Not again." She sighs and closes her eyes in frustration. She slowly walks towards the dining table. Her father notices her.

Mr. Lee:- "Good morning princess...... Look who come to meet you." He said excitedly. Taehyung turns and greets Y/n with his big boxy smile.

Taehyung:- "Good morning princess." Her eye widened at what he called her.

Y/n:- "What did you call me?" She raises her right eyebrow. He stands up and pulls a chair for her.

Taehyung:- "I said, good morning princess... Why you didn't like this?" He said with a pout.

Y/n:- "Only dad can call me that and nobody is allowed to call me princess." Taehyung went behind her and softly push her towards the chair and made her sit on the chair, then he also take his seat.

Taehyung:- "Okay then I will call you baby." Y/n eyes go more wide and Lee couple chuckled.

Y/n:- "Never....... you can't call me that." She immediately refused.

Taehyung:- "Then I will call you-"

Y/n:- "Y/n... You will call me by my name and nothing else." She cut his words in the middle. "And dad why are you supporting him? You are my dad and you should be my side." She whined like I child. Her father chuckled.

Mr. Lee:- "I'm your side princess that's why I'm supporting him.... Because I know he is best for you." Y/n sigh and start eating breakfast.

Suddenly the doorbell rings and a servant opens the door revealing IU.

IU:- "Good morning to all." She said excitedly while towards them.

Y/n:- "Here comes another supporter of Taehyung." She muttered.

Mrs. Lee:- "Good morning IU... Sit and have breakfast with us." IU nodded and sit beside Mrs. Lee.

IU:- "Oooo... So Taehyung is already here." She said in a teasing tone. "Good, then he can drop me and Y/n." Y/n immediately shot her head toward IU.

Y/n:- "Why? I have my car and you have yours, so there is no need to drop me." She said and resume eating her breakfast.

Mrs. Lee:- "Sorry dear... I forgot to tell you that all cars are going for service." Y/n looks towards her mother with a 'Are you serious' look.

IU:- "And I came here by cab...... my car is also gone for service." She looks towards Y/n with a grin. Y/n raises one eyebrow toward IU. "What?" Y/n looks at her in disbelief.

Y/n:- "How is this even possible that our all cars and your car." She pointed towards IU. "Went for service together." She asks in suspicion. "I know this is all your plan?" She narrowed her eyes.

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