Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    The school is not too far from the villa area where the Jing family is located.

    In the past, it took half an hour to drive due to traffic jams, but now it takes less than 20 minutes to ride a bicycle.

    "I didn't expect the bike to arrive so soon," Jing Qingxia couldn't help but sigh, and at the same time looked at her companion, "Zhong Mingxue, get off the bike, you won't be allowed to ride if you enter the marked area."

    "Okay." Zhong Mingxue nodded nodded.

    The two pushed the cart forward.

    Zhong Mingxue didn't speak, and Jing Qingxia couldn't speak.

    Walking slowly at a distance of two figures.

    The surroundings were filled with the noisy voices of the students, making the two girls seem extraordinarily quiet.

    They walked under the dappled shadows of trees.

    Jing Qingxia somewhat enjoyed the peace at this moment, she didn't have to worry about the hostess' attack, and she didn't have to worry about the relationship between the two, she kept a safe distance, friendly and peaceful.

    Zhong Mingxue also had a similar mood, and at this time, she could get away from real problems for a short time. Even the little overlord who is with me is reassuring.

    The two walked very slowly, and the scenery in front of them flickered in rhythm.

    An exclamation sounded from the side of the road not far away: "

    Boss—! What a coincidence!" Then I saw a thin figure jumping down from the car parked by the roadside, shaking slightly and rushing over .

    With her small size, it's hard to see that she's a differentiated alpha.

    "Leshan, what a coincidence. This is my friend Yuan Leshan. She lives far away and usually comes to school by car. This is a new classmate Zhong Mingxue." Jing Qingxia took the initiative to introduce the two, and at the same time observed Zhong Ming from the corner of her eye. Xue, worried about being misunderstood, this is an "ambush".

    Zhong Mingxue also noticed Jing Qingxia's cautious attitude. She just said hello to Yuan Leshan gently.

    Yuan Leshan cheerfully pulled Jing Qingxia aside, and said excitedly: "It's really a beautiful iceberg as the rumors say. Boss, you don't know! Just now you two, one red and one blue, were riding on bicycles. How attractive you are on the road! Many people on the road think you are a good match!"

    You are sitting in the car, how can you know what the people on the road think? Believe me.

    "Didn't you say that you are not allowed to make such jokes!" Jing Qingxia directly pressed Yuan Leshan's chin, forcing her to shut up.

    I clearly ordered it in WeChat yesterday.

    Yuan Leshan struggled to break free.

    "It's okay, I said it in a low voice, if you can't hear me, I'm going to buy breakfast first! Boss, new classmate, see you later!" He

    waved to Zhong Mingxue and ran away.

    Yuan Leshan has always been such a detached character, and I don't know if it will offend the sensitive kitty.

    Jing Qingxia observed Zhong Mingxue's expression, she was still very calm.

    Follow her line of sight: "There is a special snack street next to the school, selling all kinds of breakfast, afternoon tea and snacks, and even supper. There are also many interesting small shops. If you are interested, you can go shopping "

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