Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    The ferris wheel swayed slowly.

    The scenery outside the window gradually shrinks from large to small, and it is a very interesting process just watching the changes of the scenery.

    But the two people in the pink hanging box obviously didn't have all their thoughts on this, they just looked out of the window blankly.

    Jing Qingxia's hands rubbed against the fabric of the jeans nervously. I thought about how to break the silence. Maybe we can start from that legend and ask "Why do couples break up when they ride the Ferris wheel together"?

    But the topic sounds awkward and stiff, what answer can Zhong Mingxue give?

    Do you tell yourself seriously that this is survivor bias, or make up a story and answer indiscriminately?

    After asking this question, there will definitely be a super awkward atmosphere, so how can we implement the follow-up plan.

    Jing Qingxia picked at the slightly raised thread at the side seam of the jeans, but couldn't think of a good time to speak.     Then I heard Zhong

    Mingxue ask softly: "Why do you think couples break up when they ride the Ferris wheel together? Is the scenery not good enough?


Jing Qingxia couldn't help but laughed.

    Zhong Mingxue, who was laughed at, pursed her lips, her ears were redder than the setting sun: "We haven't talked since we entered the Ferris wheel. I was looking for a topic, you wood. Are you still laughing at me?"

    For Strengthening her protest, Zhong Mingxue tugged at Jing Qingxia's denim jacket.

    Jing Qingxia grabbed Zhong Mingxue's hand, faced her face to face, and said, "I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at myself."

    Zhong Mingxue didn't quite understand what Jing Qingxia meant, and blinked lightly.

    In the blink of an eye, Jing Qingxia's expression gradually became sincere, with sincerity in his eyes.

    Jing Qingxia was indeed laughing at herself just now.

    I laughed at myself not daring to be bold, and wanted to beat around the bush. Still hesitating, he even gave his girlfriend the awkward opportunity to speak.

    She should be bolder.

    Jing Qingxia took a step forward, approached Zhong Mingxue, and put her hand on his chest.

    "Zhong Mingxue, I want to confess my love again.

    " I'm not in the susceptible period now, and my mind is very clear. In such a state of sobriety, my heart was beating out of control. I am very sure now, I like you. You, you who are also sober now, are you willing to be my girlfriend?

    Zhong Mingxue looked at Jing Qingxia, her eyes widened slightly. Then

    she smiled, and poked Jing Qingxia's chest with her fingers, trying to ease her nervousness: "You are so formal, I thought you were asking for marriage. "

    But after speaking, I also became nervous.

    Jing Qingxia was still staring at her.

    Zhong Mingxue paused, lowered her head slightly, then raised her head again. The

    two of them are really awkward.

    Weird and cute. She

    clearly has the same mood, and knows that the other party has the same mood as herself, but at a certain moment, she will still worry about gains and losses and feel uneasy.

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