Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

    After Jing Qingxia and Zhong Mingxue returned home, the latter was forced by the former to go back to the room, put on pajamas and lie down.

    "You don't want to move. Aunt Zhang will bring the soup in a while, and my mother will be back soon. I also contacted the chief doctor last time. She said that you can observe at home first, so you don't have to worry." Jing Qingxia waited for the bell After Mingxue changed into her pajamas and lay down, she also sat by the bed.

    It was as if Zhong Mingxue was with her when she was sick.

    "You don't have to worry, right? I know I'm just having a fever. I'll have it every once in a while. I'm used to it. You don't have to be so nervous." Zhong Mingxue smiled, and the smile reached his eyes.

    Although she persuaded Jing Qingxia not to be nervous, she really liked seeing Jing Qingxia like this.

    The way she is nervous, the way she frowns, and the way she asks her to do this and that.

    Feeling Zhong Mingxue's smile.

    Jing Qingxia also blushed a little.

    I don't know if it's an illusion, but Zhong Mingxue seems to be more willing to express herself, and always loves to look at herself and smile.

    Of course, it may also be the effect of the febrile period.

    "That can't be done! The fever period basically has a fixed time period, and under normal circumstances, you will wear inhibitors. But you didn't bring it today, you must have not expected it, right?"

    "Yes," Zhong Mingxue restrained With a smile, "Mrs. Su's pheromones have a great influence on me. Not to mention that Xiang Jiayou also released randomly in order to resist Mrs. Su's pheromones."

    Hearing this, Jing Qingxia was startled. Full of anger towards Mrs. Su, but soon became worried again.

    Subconsciously, he dodged his body backwards, pressed one hand on the back of his neck to make sure that the barrier stickers were normal, and leaned back on the chair, trying to stay away from Zhong Mingxue.

    Zhong Mingxue noticed Jing Qingxia's actions, and added: "But your pheromones won't, I can feel your pheromones are protecting me all the time. I don't feel uncomfortable."

    "Is that so?" Jing Qingxia was a little suspicious.

    Is there a difference between pheromones and pheromones?

    Seems like yes, pheromones are somewhat influenced by the state of mind of the owner.

    Jing Qingxia recalled the knowledge points.

    Seeing Jing Qingxia's cautious look, Zhong Mingxue felt warm in his heart.

    "Have you forgotten what the doctor said during your differentiation period? You and I have a high degree of pheromone matching, and we can be more stable around each other. As long as you don't attack me, I won't be affected by you Arrived."

    "How could I attack you!"

    The mechanism of pheromone in this world is very complicated.

    But she thought about herself, when she left Zhong Mingxue during the differentiation period, she would have repeated fevers, but she would be safe by Zhong Mingxue's side.

    She thought for a moment and then nodded.

    "Then do you want to rest for a while? I'll stay here with you."

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