Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

    After dinner, Lin Chanjuan was busy, so she went to the study.

    Zhong Mingxue took over the job of taking care of Jing Qingxia again, and followed Jing Qingxia into the bedroom.

    As soon as the door was opened, there was a smell of books in the room, which was the smell that Zhong Mingxue had always liked before.

    Smell it carefully again, and there is a sense of familiarity hidden in the scent of books.

    Zhong Mingxue's eyes widened a little, and she pursed her lips and laughed again, expelling air from her nasal cavity, turning into a breathy sound.

    Jing Qingxia was already very sensitive to Zhong Mingxue's reaction, now with the help of pheromone, she cared more about the emotions of the Omega beside her.

    She turned her head almost at the same time and looked at the other party with a questioning expression.

    Zhong Mingxue saw Jing Qingxia's confused expression, and the corners of her mouth curved even further: "No, I just feel that I didn't notice it before and missed a lot of details. You should have a faint pheromone early on, But I haven't noticed it all the time."

    "Huh? Did it happen a long time ago? Was it in the bedroom?" Jing Qingxia sniffed the air, trying to find something.

    However, she is not a dog nose after all.

    Even if she is, she can't tell it by herself, after all, the smell of pheromone on her body is even stronger, and she can't distinguish and capture it at all.

    After thinking about it, I came up with other thoughts: "Then I think I may have smelled your pheromone a long time ago. The doctor is right, we are very well matched."

    After saying this, Zhong Mingxue didn't know what to do Follow up.

    If other people suddenly said something like "our pheromones are highly matched", Zhong Mingxue would think that this person had bad intentions.

    But Jing Qingxia, she is a simple little fool, she can only choose to forgive her.

    Zhong Mingxue followed the topic just now and asked: "When?"

    "In summer, the time when you need to cool off the heat most!" Jing Qingxia didn't explain in detail, just smiled.

    Zhong Mingxue was a little confused when she remembered what Jing Qingxia was muttering in her mouth when she was asleep in the hospital.

    So she really had already smelled it?

    Zhong Mingxue didn't pursue further, and put the medicine and water on the table: "You take the medicine first, then take a shower and go to sleep, I will come to you later. Got it?"

    "Yes, got it." Jing Qingxia's mind was confused, she directly regarded Zhong Mingxue as her guardian, nodded obediently, and followed her instructions step by step.

    Zhong Mingxue looked at Jing Qingxia, who was so obedient at this time, and a thought of bullying came to her mind.

    Well, I must have stayed with a certain bully for a long time and learned badly.

    Zhong Mingxue secretly smiled, turned around and went back to her room.

    Jing Qingxia's mind was still stuttering, but she performed the task unambiguously, taking medicine and taking a bath in one go.

    Before Zhong Mingxue came, she leaned on the bed and took out her mobile phone for entertainment.

    After she answered Lin Chanjuan's call in the afternoon, she never touched the phone again.

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