Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

    After a small incident where children came to make trouble.

    The village head was very careful along the way, probably because there were more than one naughty child in the village.

    During the meal, I apologized for the poor food and the marbles.

    In the end, I still don’t forget to give everyone a psychological construction: “Most of our children here are used to being wild in the mountains. I don’t know why during this time. They are organized into a small group and they like to make trouble. There may be more Please bear with me if I offended you."

    "No, it's good to have such a group of children." Jing Qingxia said.

    Everyone looked at her curiously. Is she not angry at all, or is she acting strangely?

    Seeing everyone's expressions, Jing Qingxia laughed: "Many of the students we will send here should be young masters and young ladies. It's just right to come here to suffer and let them know that the world doesn't revolve around them Turn it on."

    Miss, are you talking about yourself?

    Su Zhenyi looked at Jing Qingxia curiously.

    Zhong Mingxue also pursed her lips.

    Jing Qingxia's reaction was probably because she thought of the two names she saw in the registration form for this winter vacation practice.

    One name is Xiang Jiayou, needless to say, Jing Qingxia is most annoyed by this person now, and will definitely make him suffer.

    Another name is Su Tai.

    Since what happened in the competition classroom last time, he was punished to be grounded at home for a week, and then punished to wear a pheromone limiter for a week. After that, he became much more honest.

    Every time I see Jing Qingxia, I always take a detour, there is really no detour, and when I meet, I will bow deeply with the desire to survive before I dare to leave.

    This application to participate in the winter practice should not be to cause trouble.

    He dare not.

    Perhaps the elders in his family forced him to work harder in these areas in order to restore his image.

    So Mrs. Su doesn't need Jing Qingxia's education, she will find a lesson in this difficult environment.

    The village chief didn't know what to do, so he could only cooperate and say yes.

    Then he couldn't help but began to praise the benefactors in the village.

    "However, Boss Jing is really nice. He sent us a lot of things to meet our daily needs. He is also planning to open up crop contracting, and he is also planning to recruit people from our village to work..."

    "Village chief, do you know who is here today?" What are the names of these classmates?" Su Zhenyi suddenly interrupted the village chief's soliloquy.

    "I know, I have read the list. One is Jin Ye, one is Zhong Mingxue, and the other is Jing Qingxia." The village head reported their names one by one from Su Zhenyi's left hand side .

    Su Zhenyi showed a suggestive smile at the village head.

    The village head let out an instant "ah".

    Looking at Jing Qingxia's expression again, it turned into excitement, gratitude, and unspeakable feelings.

    The village head said excitedly: "Thank you very much, thank you so much." When I was on

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